Words Matter: ‘Race’ in American Campaign Rhetoric

by Augustine Agwuele.


Augustine Agwuele is the author of the article “Culture Trumps Scientific Fact: ‘Race’ in US American Language” appearing in Volume: 60 Issue: 2 of Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice.

Momma she send me to school, I get educated

I get educated, so sophisticated

Not under-rated but really elevated

West African youths quickly appropriated this 1983 lyrical refrain of Eek-a-Mus as it aligns with the singular message about education flogged into them since kindergarten. Education liberates, elevates, promotes, empowers, and places one on a distinguished pedestal. Continue reading “Words Matter: ‘Race’ in American Campaign Rhetoric”

A Walk of Life: Entering Catholic West Belfast

Zenkerby Olaf Zenker


Ethnographer Olaf Zenker details a walk through the Catholic side of Ireland in this excerpt from his book Irish/ness is all Around Us: Language Revivalism and the Culture of Ethnic Identity in Northern Ireland, now available in paperback. Read Chapter One for free. 



On a Friday afternoon in September 2004, shortly before returning home from my ethnographic fieldwork, I took my video camera and filmed a walk from the city centre into Catholic West Belfast up to the Beechmount area, where I had lived and conducted much of my research. I had come to Catholic West Belfast with the intention of learning about locally prevailing senses of ethnic identity. Yet I soon found out that virtually every local Catholic I talked to seemed to see him- or herself as ‘Irish’, and apparently expected other locals to do the same. My open questions such as ‘What ethnic or national identity do you have?’ at times even irritated my interlocutors, not so much, as I figured out, because they felt like I was contesting their sense of identity but, to the contrary, because the answer ‘Irish’ seemed so obvious. ‘What else could I be?’ was a rhetorical question I often encountered in such conversations, indicating to me that, for many, Irish identity went without saying. If that was the case, then what did being Irish mean to these people? What made somebody Irish, and where were local senses of Irishness to be found?

Continue reading “A Walk of Life: Entering Catholic West Belfast”