To mark the the first publication in paperback of his acclaimed From Clans to Co-ops: Confiscated Mafia Land in Sicily, Theodoros Rakopoulos kindly agreed to discuss his work, the fieldwork behind it, and how co-ops came to assume a role in the rejection of the mafia. THEODOROS RAKOPOULOS is Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at the […]
We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies, History, and Medical Anthropology and Sociology, along with new Berghahn Journal issues published in April.
Posted 30 April 2019
† Berghahn Journals
Blog § New Book Releases
Also tagged: anthropology, anthropology books, archaeology, berghahn journals, Colonialism, cultural studies, history, journal featured, medical anthropology, new book releases, new books, newly published, political theory, sociology, theory and methodology in anthropology