Remembering the Holocaust

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust designed by architect Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Happold

In recognition of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we would like to present a list of new and recent Holocaust and Genocide Studies titles, as well as free access to related journal articles.

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Do Petitions matter? Rethinking Jewish Petitioning during the Holocaust

Thomas Pegelow Kaplan and Wolf Gruner

Raul Hilberg’s path-breaking 1961 study The Destruction of the European Jews rightfully remains on the reading list of any serious student of the Holocaust. Nonetheless, Hilberg’s insistence on European Jews‘ alleged “almost complete lack of resistance” has been subjected to frequent scholarly criticism. He partially based this claim on a cursory reading of petitions: “Everywhere, the Jews pitted words against rifles” and “everywhere they lost.”

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Berghahn Books at the AHA 2019 Conference

ImageProxyServletWe are delighted to inform you that we will be attending the American Historical Association 2019 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, January 3rd – 6th, 2019. Please stop by Booth #504 to browse our latest selection of books at discounted prices and pick up free journal samples.


To celebrate the launch of our new eBook cart, stop by our booth, purchase a book and receive a code to redeem your FREE eBook out of select 250 History titles available on our webpage. Valid for 1 eBook only with any onsite AHA Conference print book purchase.
We are also offering FREE access to our entire journals History Collection for a limited time. Scroll for details below.


If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all History titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code AHA19. Visit our website­ to browse our newly published interactive online History 2019 catalog or use the new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.


We hope to see you in Chicago!

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Berghahn Books at AJS 50th Conference!

downloadWe are delighted to inform you that we will be attending The Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies held December 16th-18th, 2018 in Boston, MA. Please stop by our booth to browse our latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.

If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Jewish Studies titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code AJS18.

We hope to see you in Boston!

Continue reading “Berghahn Books at AJS 50th Conference!”

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

star-of-david-2061458_960_720To mark the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp on the 27th of January, the United Nations has recognized this day as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in memory of the people murdered by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. For more information on developing educational programs to instill the memory of the tragedy in future generations to prevent genocide from occurring again please visit The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme webpage.

In recognition of this year’s anniversary, Berghahn would like to showcase a range of Holocaust related titles, including our War and Genocide Series, which reflects a growing interest in the study of war and genocide within the framework of social and cultural history. We are pleased to offer a 25% discount on any of our Print Genocide Studies titles for the next 30 days. At checkout, simply enter the code IHR18.

New and recently-published titles can be found in our latest History Catalogue.

In recognition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Berghahn Journals would like to offer FREE access to related articles* from the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, European Judaism, Historical Reflections, and the Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society until February 3.

Continue reading “International Holocaust Remembrance Day”

We will be attending the AHA 2018 Meeting!

We are delighted to inform you that we will be attending the 2018 AHA Annual Meeting in Washington DC, January 4-7, 2018. Please stop by Booth #413 to browse our latest selection of books at discounted prices and pick up free journal samples.

If you can’t attend, get a 25% discount on all History titles on our website with code AHA18. Browse our newly published interactive online History 2018 catalog or use the new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.

We hope to see you in Washington DC!

Below is a preview of some of our newest releases on display:


Continue reading “We will be attending the AHA 2018 Meeting!”


We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of AnthropologyApplied Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, History, Jewish Studies and Medical Anthropology, along with our New in Paperback titles.

Paperback Original

Reflections on Storytelling and the Art of the Documentary
Stephen Most