Celebrating World Environment Day

June 5th is World Environment Day! It is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations (UN) stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. For more information please visit worldenvironmentday.global.

In joining the celebration Berghahn would like to offer a selection of Open Access titles, in addition to recommending the most recent issues of Environment and Society, Regions & Cohesion, and Nature and Culture!

Continue reading “Celebrating World Environment Day”

World Refugee Day 2018

The United Nations’ (UN) World Refugee Day is observed on June 20 each year. This event draws public’s attention to the millions of refugees and internally displaced persons worldwide who have been forced to flee their homes due to war, conflict and persecution. For more information please visit www.un.org.

In marking this year’s observance, we’re pleased to offer a 25% discount on all Refugee and Migration Studies titles for a limited time with code WRD18 on our website.

Children of the Camp: The Lives of Somali Youth Raised in Kakuma Refugee Camp, KenyaCHILDREN OF THE CAMP
The Lives of Somali Youth Raised in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya
Catherine-Lune Grayson

Continue reading “World Refugee Day 2018”

Visit Berghahn Books at The Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG): the heart of geographyWe are delighted to inform you that we will be attending The Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference in London, from Wednesday 30 August to Friday 1 September 2017. Please stop by our table to browse our latest selection of books at discounted prices and pick up free journal samples.

If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Geography Titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code RGS17.

Visit our website for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles. Continue reading “Visit Berghahn Books at The Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference”


We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Educational Studies, Environmental StudiesGenocide Studies, History and Jewish Studies, along with our New in Paperback titles.

Paperback Original

Strathernian Conversations on Ethnography, Knowledge and Politics
Edited by Ashley Lebner
Afterword by Marilyn Strathern

Continue reading “SIMULATED SHELVES: BROWSE April 2017 NEW BOOKS”

Berghahn Books will be at AAG Annual Meeting 2017!

Image result for aag annual meeting 2017

We are delighted to inform you that we will be present at the Association of American Geographers’ Annual Meeting in Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017. Please stop by our booth #418 to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.


If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Geography and Environmental Studies titles found on our website. At checkout use discount code AAG17. Browse our newly released Geography and Environmental Studies 2017/2018 Catalog or visit our website,­ now with new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.

Here is a preview of some of our newest releases on display: Continue reading “Berghahn Books will be at AAG Annual Meeting 2017!”

Stop by Berghahn Books at ASEH 2017 Conference!

We are exited to announce that we will be present at the 2017 American Society for Environmental History Conference in Chicago, IL, March 29- April 2, 2017. Please stop by the Berghahn table to browse our latest selection of books at a special discount price & pick up free journal samples.


If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. Receive a 25% discount on all Environmental Studies titles found on our website,  Valid through May 2nd, 2017. At checkout, simply enter the discount code ASEH17. Browse our newly released Geography and Environmental Studies 2017/2018 Catalog or visit our website,­ now with new enhanced subject searching features for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.

Below is a preview of some of our newest releases on display: Continue reading “Stop by Berghahn Books at ASEH 2017 Conference!”

IMPORTANT: Print Books Distribution Announcement

Berghahn Books

As we look forward to a productive 2017, Berghahn Books Inc. is undertaking significant changes to its print books distribution management.

We are delighted to announce that as of March 1st 2017, responsibility for print distribution for the Americas, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan will be taken over by the Academic Services Division of the Ingram Content Group, Inc.   


Continue reading “IMPORTANT: Print Books Distribution Announcement”

Berghahn Books at the AAG 2016 Conference!


We are delighted to inform you that we will be present at the Association of American Geographers’ Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA, March 29-April 2, 2016. Please stop by our booth #215 to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.


If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Geography and Environmental Studies titles found on our website. At checkout use discount code AAG16. Browse our newly released Geography and Environmental Studies 2016/2017 Catalog or visit our website,­ now with new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.

Continue reading “Berghahn Books at the AAG 2016 Conference!”

Getting Reacquainted with The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology

The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology


We are delighted to announce that 2015 marks the fourth volume year that the Cambridge Journal of Anthropology has been published through Berghahn. The original journal of this name was an in-house publication based at Cambridge University, with a remit to provide a space in which innovative material and ideas could be tested.


The new Cambridge Journal of Anthropology builds on that tradition and seeks to produce new analytical tool-kits for anthropology or to take all such intellectual exploration to task. Re-acquaint yourself with the journal by exploring the special sections outlined below.


We hope you’ll be inspired by these innovative approaches that push at the boundaries of anthropology to bring you fresh insights from pioneering scholars in the field.




Volume 32
Number 2, Autumn 2014
Special Section: Risks, Ruptures and Uncertainties: Dealing with Crisis in Asia’s Emerging Economies
Asia’s ongoing economic transformation has created a variety of unexpected ruptures, discontinuities and opportunities in the lives of local citizens across the region. The articles in this section contribute to an understanding of local responses to, and strategies for coping with, risk and uncertainty as multidimensional, interwoven aspects of daily life, guided by social, economic and moral considerations.

Volume 32
Number 1, Spring 2014
Special Section: Epidemic Events and Processes
The articles in this collection bring together epidemiology and social anthropology. They take us through epidemics critically distinguished as crises and as events, and through epidemics understood analytically as syndemics and as productive of both proliferating ‘projects’ and a compelling quest for ever-growing intelligence and ‘real-time’ surveillance. In this collection, we see the importance of a social anthropological understanding of the human subjects that epidemics, and responses to them, can constitute–and we glimpse some of the interagentivity in the treatment responses through which the lethal problem of ‘resistance’ can be created. In the case of ‘epidemics’ in this present issue, we see the import of anthropological material as it brings to the fore issues which, in another disciplinary language, are the historically contingent ‘externalities’ of ‘disease events’.

Volume 31
Number 1, Spring 2013
Special Section – Climate Histories and Environmental Change: Evidence and its Interpretation. Guest Editor David Sneath
The papers in this special section explore different visions of the environment and how they engender particular ways of seeing evidence of climatic and environmental change. A key aspect of such distinctive understandings seems to be the attribution of agency within conceptions of the environment that in each case are entangled with humans. Notions of the anthropogenic and non-equilibrial environments are explored in several of the papers collected here, along with ongoing debates surrounding the concept of the Anthopocene. An awareness of climate change has brought new urgency to the project of grasping our entangled environments in the diversity of their human understandings.

Volume 30
Number 2, Autumn 2012
Special Section
Thisspecial section reconsiders recent anthropological accounts of ‘Naturalism’, a term increasingly used as a shorthand for a bundle of purportedly western attitudes to nature, reality and mind/body distinctions. Anthropologists and others tend to invoke ‘Naturalism’ as a foil for descriptions of alternative ontologies elsewhere (such as animism or perspectivism), or alternatively, as a philosophical account of the world which is belied by Euroamericans’ own practices. By contrast, the papers in this section attempt to take naturalism seriously as an ethnographic object in its own right: who, if anyone, is a ‘naturalist’ and what do naturalist commitments look like and entail in practice?



For a free sample issue of the journal, click here.