60% off Gender Studies Titles


As we enter a New Year full of political and economic uncertainty, opportunities in education, and the integrity of evidence-based opinion and decision-making are under attack globally from a populist but neo-liberal philosophy seeking to advance, with depressing success to date, the cause of individualism over the social fabric.

While there will continue to be questions over the character, competence and temperament of many of the world’s political leaders over the coming years, Berghahn will continue to champion the values of accessible scholarly learning, and the spirit of protest, reform, equality and tolerance.

To that end, and with the Women’s March on Washington in mind, we are delighted to offer, in the form of a New Year tonic, a 60% discount off all Gender Studies titles, purchased via our website over the next 7 days. At checkout, simply enter the code NYGEN17.

The books featured below form just a small selection from our complete list of Gender Studies titles. For a full list, please visit our website.


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