AUTHOR ARTICLE: Continental encampment?

“Could,” ask Are John Knudsen and Kjersti Berg, “refugee camps, as traditionally understood, be scaled up to embrace a region hosting millions of refugees and migrants?”

Here they discuss their new book, CONTINENTAL ENCAMPMENT: GENEALOGIES OF HUMANITARIAN CONTAINMENT IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND EUROPE, which explores responses to mass migration and traces the genealogy of humanitarian containment, containment which we now see on a vast scale.

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Ingrid Kummels

As a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, social arrangements allowing people to carry on despite the restrictions on mobility forced upon them became predominant across the world. From work (home office) and education (home schooling) to birthday parties, meetings, conferences and political campaigns (Zoom, etc.) diverse aspects of life were reoriented to adapt to the requirements of “social distancing” – although this term is a misnomer, since the actual challenge consists of overcoming physical distance. Even countries that are leaders in high-tech have had a hard time adjusting, since they had failed to consider the necessary widespread availability of equipment, training and creativity to remotely organize a community, its social life and leisure for long periods of time.


Visit Berghahn Books at the AIBR 2019 Conference!

CAB1_EN.fwWe are delighted to inform you that we will be represented by Iberian Book Services at the AIBR conference in Madrid, Spain on July 9 – 12, 2019. Please stop by to browse our latest selection of books at special discounted prices and pick up FREE journal samples.
If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer of 25% off all Anthropology titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code BB25.
Visit our website­ to browse new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of titles and don’t forget about our expanding list of eBooks available for download directly via our site. Visit our Anthropology eBook site.


Continue reading “Visit Berghahn Books at the AIBR 2019 Conference!”

Why do so many American Parents Struggle with Nighttime Breastfeeding and Sleep?

by Cecília Tomori

For World Breastfeeding Week, we’re delighted to offer FREE access to a chapter from Nighttime Breastfeeding for a limited time. Click here to access this chapter, titled Embodied Cultural Dilemmas: An Anthropological Approach to the Study of Nighttime Breastfeeding and Sleep.

Nighttime Breastfeeding addresses the central question: why do so many American parents struggle with nighttime breastfeeding and sleep? I set out to answer this question, which emerged from my preliminary fieldwork, using the classic anthropological technique of participant observation. I spent many months immersed in fieldwork, and then many more surrounded by all the materials I had collected – piles of fieldnotes to interview recordings, brochures, photos, and, most importantly, memories of being with families who have graciously let me into their lives. I revisited key moments over and over again – recalling certain phrases, pauses, and gestures, which I could examine through the lenses offered by my anthropological training. Continue reading “Why do so many American Parents Struggle with Nighttime Breastfeeding and Sleep?”


We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Applied Anthropology, Cultural Studies, History and Theory & Methodology in Anthropology, along with our New in Paperback titles.


Edited by Sarah Pink, Vaike Fors, and Tom O’Dell

Volume 11, Studies in Public and Applied Anthropology


Academics across the globe are being urged by universities and research councils to do research that impacts the world beyond academia. Yet to date there has been very little reflection amongst scholars and practitioners in these fields concerning the relationship between the theoretical and engaged practices that emerge through such forms of scholarship. Theoretical Scholarship and Applied Practice investigates the ways in which theoretical research has been incorporated into recent applied practices across the social sciences and humanities. This collection advances our understanding of the ethics, values, opportunities and challenges that emerge in the making of engaged and interdisciplinary scholarship.

Read Editor’s Introduction: Theoretical Scholarship and Applied Practice: opportunities and challenges of working in the in-between

Continue reading “SIMULATED SHELVES: Browse March 2017 NEW BOOKS”

World Anthropology Day

On February 16th, the American Anthropological Association celebrates World Anthropology Day, which has been set to recognize the field of anthropology and the work of anthropologists within it.

World Anthropology Day is a day for anthropologists to celebrate and participate in their discipline with the public around them.  For more information on Anthropology day, visit the AAA website.

In support of these efforts and to mark this special day, we are delighted to showcase titles from across all strands of the subject and offer a time-limited discount of 25% off all anthropology print titles ordered via our website by 24th February. Simply enter the code WAD17 at checkout.     Continue reading “World Anthropology Day”

Visit Berghahn Booth #712 at AAA 2016

2017-anthropology-catalogue_cover-imageWe are delighted to inform you that we will be attending the 115th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association being held November 16-20, 2016, in Minneapolis, MN. Please stop by Booth #712 to browse our selection of books at discounted prices and pick up free journals samples.

We are especially excited to invite you to join us on Friday November 18th at 3:30pm in the exhibit hall for a wine reception to celebrate some of our newly published titles. We hope to see you there!

If you are unable to attend the conference, we would like to extend a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Anthropology titles. Visit our website and use discount code AAA16 at checkout.

For more information on New and Forthcoming titles please check out brand new interactive online Anthropology & Sociology 2017 Catalog.

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‘Is it inevitable you’ll turn into your mother?’

(This post was originally published in 2016)

by Siân Pooley and Kaveri Qureshi


On the 2nd March this year, ahead of Mother’s Day, there was a thoughtful discussion on Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour addressing the question: ‘is it inevitable you’ll turn into your mother?’. For counsellor Myira Khan, who was interviewed on the programme, this is a topic that comes up frequently in her therapy sessions. Indeed, for women who have struggled with their relationships with their mothers, it can be a source of great conflict. Khan claims that ‘you’re turning into your father’ is not a jibe for men in the same way that ‘you’re turning into your mother’ so often is for women, and that men do not worry about this to the same extent.  She suggests that because our mothers are our role models for womanhood, this gives mother-daughter relationships a particular charge. A lot of her counselling work with women is about trying to ‘break the cycle’, which she approaches therapeutically by exploring mother-daughter relationships, trying to understand what those relationships mean, and encouraging women to accept the reality of who their mother really was, rather than the awe-inspiring model of her that they have in their minds.


This programme made us pause for thought, as it was broadcast just ahead of the publication of our book Parenthood Between Generations: Transforming Reproductive Cultures. In this edited volume we bring together ten contributions by historians, anthropologists and sociologists addressing precisely the extent to which people replicate the models of parenthood that they encounter from their own parents. Continue reading “‘Is it inevitable you’ll turn into your mother?’”

Look for Berghahn at The EASA 2016 Conference


We are delighted to inform you that we will be present at The European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Conference in Milan, Italy from the 20th-23rd of July 2016. Please stop by our table to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices, pick up some free journal samples, or chat to Marion Berghahn.

We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a Reception in the U6 Foyer from 4.30pm on Friday, 22nd July to celebrate the launch of our New Series, Worlds in Motion and its 1st Volume, Keywords of Mobility, edited by Noel B. Salazar and Kiran Jayaram. At the reception, we will also be launching Volume 33 of our Forced Migration Series, namely The Agendas of Tibetan Refugees by Thomas Kauffmann. So if you will be in Milan, we’d be delighted if you could join us at this very special event.

If you are unable to attend the conference, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Anthropology titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code EASA16. Visit our website­ to browse our newly published interactive online Anthropology & Sociology Catalog and EASA Series Flyer or use the new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.

Continue reading “Look for Berghahn at The EASA 2016 Conference”