We are delighted to present a list of our History bestsellers in honor of the American Historical Association’s 2020 – 2021 Virtual Conference. Visit our Virtual AHA Booth for special opportunities for discounts and engagements.
We are delighted to present a list of our History bestsellers in honor of the American Historical Association’s 2020 – 2021 Virtual Conference. Visit our Virtual AHA Booth for special opportunities for discounts and engagements.
Browse our February and March 2020 releases in Anthropology, Archaeology/Heritage Studies, History, Memory Studies, and Mobility Studies and see what’s new in paperback.
20th Century History africa anthropology anthropology books anthropology in action applied anthropology archaeology books cultural studies development studies education environmental history environmental studies ethnography europe European history film and media studies gender studies genocide studies german history german politics and society german studies Germany history Jewish studies journal featured journals medical anthropology migration mobility studies museum studies new book releases new books new in paperback new journals newly published Open Access politics postwar history refugee and migration studies religion sociology Theory & Methodology in Anthropology urban studies World War II