

We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, History, and Theory & Methodology in Anthropology, along with our new in paperback titles and new Berghahn Journal issues published in May.





Management by Seclusion: A Critique of World Bank Promises to End Global PovertyMANAGEMENT BY SECLUSION
A Critique of World Bank Promises to End Global Poverty
Glynn Cochrane


Assessing the World Bank’s attempts to combat global poverty over the past 50 years, anthropologist and former World Bank Advisor Glynn Cochrane argues that instead of the Bank’s prevailing strategy of “management by seclusion,” poverty alleviation requires personal engagement with the poorest by helpers with hands-on local and cultural skills.

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Marketing Hope: Get-Rich-Quick Schemes in SiberiaMARKETING HOPE
Get-Rich-Quick Schemes in Siberia
Leonie Schiffauer


Marketing Hope looks at how different types of get-rich-quick schemes manifest themselves in a Siberian town. By focusing on their social dynamics, Leonie Schiffauer provides insights into how capitalist logic is learned and negotiated, and how it affects local realities in a post-Soviet environment.

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Cultural Studies


The Girl in the TextNEW SERIES! Volume 1, Transnational Girlhoods

Edited by Ann Smith

How are girls represented in written and graphic texts, and how do these representations inform our understanding of girlhood? In this volume, contributors examine the girl in the text in order to explore a range of perspectives on girlhood across borders and in relation to their positionality.

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The Brazilian Truth Commission: Local, National and Global PerspectivesTHE BRAZILIAN TRUTH COMMISSION
Local, National and Global Perspectives
Edited by Nina Schneider

Volume 4, Studies in Latin American and Spanish History


Bringing together some of the world’s leading scholars, practitioners, and human rights activists, this groundbreaking volume provides the first systematic analysis of the 2012–2014 Brazilian National Truth Commission.

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José Antonio Primo de Rivera: The Reality and Myth of a Spanish Fascist LeaderJOSÉ ANTONIO PRIMO DE RIVERA
The Reality and Myth of a Spanish Fascist Leader
Joan Maria Thomàs
Translated from the Spanish by John Bates

Volume 3, Studies in Latin American and Spanish History


Praise for the Spanish edition:

“[A] definitive and up-to-date biography that sheds new light on the brief life of one who wanted to “direct the course of the great ship of the Fatherland.” • El País

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Political Networks and Social Movements: Bolivian State–Society Relations under Evo Morales, 2006–2016POLITICAL NETWORKS AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS
Bolivian State–Society Relations under Evo Morales, 2006–2016
Soledad Valdivia Rivera

Volume 106, CEDLA Latin America Studies


This study examines how the state and social movements have impacted democratization in Bolivia, along with other sectors such as NGOs and the media. Soledad Valdivia Rivera’s analysis helps us to understand how their relationships have come to transform the Bolivian political process as we know it.

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Gustav Stresemann: The Crossover ArtistGUSTAV STRESEMANN
The Crossover Artist
Karl Heinrich Pohl
Translated from the German by Christine Brocks, with the assistance of Patricia C. Sutcliffe

Volume 23, Studies in German History


Praise for the German edition:
“[A] substantial contribution … Pohl succeeds admirably in locating the statesman Stresemann within his personal experiences and his reactions to a tumultuous, sometimes fortuitous web of events.” German History

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One Sound, Two Worlds: The Blues in a Divided Germany, 1945-1990ONE SOUND, TWO WORLDS
The Blues in a Divided Germany, 1945-1990
Michael Rauhut
Translated from the German by Jessica Ring


Praise for the German edition:

“Rauhut proves himself to be a true specialist with outstanding expertise … For anyone seeking a basic understanding of blues music in Germany, Rauhut’s study is indispensable.” • American Studies

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Names and Naming in Early Modern GermanyNAMES AND NAMING IN EARLY MODERN GERMANY
Edited by Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer and Joel F. Harrington
Afterword by Randolph C. Head

Volume 20, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association


Centered on onomastics—the study of names—in the German-speaking lands, this volume, gathering leading scholars across multiple disciplines, explores the dynamics and impact of naming (and renaming) processes in a variety of contexts—social, artistic, literary, theological, and scientific—in order to enhance our understanding of individual and collective experiences.

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Theory & Methodology in Anthropology


Engaging Evil: A Moral AnthropologyENGAGING EVIL
A Moral Anthropology
Edited by William C. Olsen and Thomas J. Csordas
Afterword by David Parkin

Volume 36, Methodology & History in Anthropology


Addressing the problem of evil as a distinctly human phenomenon and a category of ethnographic analysis, this volume shows the usefulness of engaging evil as a descriptor of empirical reality where concepts such as violence, criminality, and hatred fall short of capturing the darkest side of human existence.

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New In Paperback


The State We're In: Reflecting on Democracy's TroublesTHE STATE WE’RE IN
Reflecting on Democracy’s Troubles
Edited by Joanna Cook, Nicholas J. Long, and Henrietta L. Moore


“[This volume] successfully demonstrates that, globally, democracy has “systematically maintained inequality”, and that attention must be served to the current inadequacies in the execution of this theoretical concept. This book is appropriate for students and academics in the fields of political science, anthropology, and sociology.” · International Social Science Review

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State Collapse and Reconstruction in the Periphery: Political Economy, Ethnicity and Development in Yugoslavia, Serbia and KosovoSTATE COLLAPSE AND RECONSTRUCTION IN THE PERIPHERY
Political Economy, Ethnicity and Development in Yugoslavia, Serbia and Kosovo
Jens Stilhoff Sörensen


“Sörensen has produced a detailed and comprehensive work on the reconstruction efforts of western states at the European periphery. Thanks to his knowledge of the region, the chosen theoretical framework and the detailed historical background information the book offers far more than an introduction to the topic and problematic.” · Südosteuropa

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A Living Past: Environmental Histories of Modern Latin AmericaA LIVING PAST
Environmental Histories of Modern Latin America
Edited by John Soluri, Claudia Leal, and José Augusto Pádua

Volume 13, Environment in History: International Perspectives


“This book provides a model going forward in presenting the historical background of current crises. Meanwhile, undergraduate students will benefit from how each chapter situates the question at hand in social, cultural, economic, and political history. Graduate students will appreciate the thorough research outlined in the chapters and in the footnotes. Overall, A Living Past lives up to its name and frames the past as very much alive in the Latin American environment.” H-Net Reviews

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Faithfully Urban: Pious Muslims in a German CityFAITHFULLY URBAN
Pious Muslims in a German City
Petra Kuppinger


“Focusing on the transformation of Muslims and urban Islam in Germany, this examination of the dynamics of the socioreligious lifeworlds in a European city is a useful contribution to discussions about the integration of ‘immigrant religions’ into mainstream European cultures. This work is a valuable source for researchers and students working on minority religions in urban spaces and on Muslims in Germany.”Current Anthropology

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Shamanism: Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to the Mastery of Spirits and HealingSHAMANISM
Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to the Mastery of Spirits and Healing
Merete Demant Jakobsen†



“The book is clearly written, and contains some wonderfully vivid quotations from texts that have never previously appeared in English … Much valuable and suggestive material … of value to scholars and students.”  · Ethnos

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Berghahn Journals


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Anthropology in Action: Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice

Volume 26, Issue 1

Anthropology in Global Health? Creating a Space for Critical Incongruity.

Anthropology in Action is Open Access through Knowledge Unlatched


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The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology

Volume 37, Issue 1

Experiencing Anticipation. Guest Editors: Devin Flaherty and Christopher Stephan




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Israel Studies Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Volume 34, Issue 1

Published on behalf of the Association for Israel Studies




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The International Journal of Social Quality

Volume 8, Issue 2

Published in partnership with the International Association on Social Quality and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences





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