
We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies, History, Medical Anthropology and Sociology, along with our new in paperback titles and new Berghahn Journal issues published in June.







In Pursuit of Belonging: Forging an Ethical Life in European-Turkish SpacesIN PURSUIT OF BELONGING
Forging an Ethical Life in European-Turkish Spaces
Susan Beth Rottmann

Volume 4, Anthropology of Europe


In Pursuit of Belonging is an ethnography of Turkish migrants’ struggle for understanding, intimacy and appreciation when they return from Germany to their Turkish homeland.

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Money Games: Gambling in a Papua New Guinea TownMONEY GAMES
Gambling in a Papua New Guinea Town
Anthony J. Pickles

Volume 10, ASAO Studies in Pacific Anthropology


Money Games is an ethnographic monograph which reveals the contemporary importance of gambling in urban Papua New Guinea.

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Crossing Histories and Ethnographies: Following Colonial Historicities in Timor-LesteCROSSING HISTORIES AND ETHNOGRAPHIES
Following Colonial Historicities in Timor-Leste
Edited by Ricardo Roque and Elizabeth G. Traube

Volume 37, Methodology & History in Anthropology


Reinterpreting the dynamic interplay between archive and field, these essays propose a method for mutually productive crossings between historical and ethnographic research.

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Market Frictions: Trade and Urbanization at the Vietnam-China BorderMARKET FRICTIONS
Trade and Urbanization at the Vietnam-China Border
Kirsten W. Endres

Volume 5, Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy


Based on ethnographic research conducted during several years, Market Frictions examines the tensions and frictions that emerge from the interaction of global market forces, urban planning policies, and small-scale trading activities in the Vietnamese border city of Lào Cai.

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Food and Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century: Cross-Disciplinary PerspectivesFOOD AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
Edited by Paul Collinson, Iain Young, Lucy Antal, and Helen Macbeth

Volume 9, Anthropology of Food & Nutrition


Sustainability is one of the great problems facing food production today. Using cross-disciplinary perspectives from international scholars working in social, cultural and biological anthropology, ecology and environmental biology, this volume brings many new perspectives to the problems we face.

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Invisible Founders: How Two Centuries of African American Families Transformed a Plantation into a CollegeINVISIBLE FOUNDERS
How Two Centuries of African American Families Transformed a Plantation into a College
Lynn Rainville


Literal and metaphorical excavations at Sweet Briar College reveal how African American labor enabled the transformation of Sweet Briar Plantation into a private women’s college in 1906. Despite being built and maintained by African American families, the college did not integrate its student body for sixty years after it opened. Invisible Founders challenges our ideas of what a college “founder” is, restoring African American narratives to their deserved and central place in the story of a single institution.

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Cultural Studies


NEW SERIES: Shakespeare &

Series Editors: Graham Holderness and Bryan Loughrey

Shakespeare is everywhere, permeating culture at every level; yet it is less well-recognized that culture also permeates Shakespeare. Shakespeare & explores Shakespeare and his work outside the lens of traditional literary studies. By intersecting the worlds beyond fiction and poetry with those disciplines outside of literature and drama, this series offers nuanced approaches that reveal a more diverse and complex legacy left by Shakespeare.


Shakespeare and StratfordVolume 1

Edited by Katherine Scheil
Afterword by Nicola J. Watson


The essays in this volume consider the various manifestations of the physical and metaphorical town on the Avon, across time, genre and place, from America to New Zealand, from children’s literature to wartime commemorations.

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NEW SERIES: Transnational Girlhoods

Series Editors: Claudia Mitchell, Bodil Formark, Ann Smith, and Heather Switzer

Girlhood Studies has emerged over the last decade as a strong area of interdisciplinary research and activism, encompassing studies of feminism, women and gender, and childhood and youth and extending into such areas as sociology, anthropology, development studies, children’s literature, and cultural studies. As the first book series to focus specifically on this exciting field, Transnational Girlhoods will help to advance the research and activism agenda by publishing full-length monographs and edited collections that reflect a robust interdisciplinary and global perspective.


The Girl in the TextVolume 1

Edited by Ann Smith


How are girls represented in written and graphic texts, and how do these representations inform our understanding of girlhood? In this volume, contributors examine the girl in the text in order to explore a range of perspectives on girlhood across borders and in relation to their positionality.

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24 Bars to Kill: Hip Hop, Aspiration, and Japan's Social Margins24 BARS TO KILL
Hip Hop, Aspiration, and Japan’s Social Margins
Andrew B. Armstrong

Volume 14, Dance and Performance Studies


Contrary to persistent depictions of an ethnically and economically homogeneous Japan, “ghetto” or “gangsta” J-hop music gives voice to the suffering, deprivation, and social exclusion experienced by many modern Japanese. 24 Bars to Kill gives a fascinating ethnographic account of this music as well as the subculture around it.

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German Division as Shared Experience: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Postwar EverydayGERMAN DIVISION AS SHARED EXPERIENCE
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Postwar Everyday
Edited by Erica Carter, Jan Palmowski, and Katrin Schreiter


German Division as Shared Experience considers everyday life across the two Germanies, using perspectives from history, literary and cultural studies, anthropology and art history to explore how interconnections as well as fractures between East and West Germany after 1945 were experienced, lived and felt.

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The Configuration of the Spanish Public Sphere: From the Enlightenment to the IndignadosTHE CONFIGURATION OF THE SPANISH PUBLIC SPHERE
From the Enlightenment to the Indignados
Edited by David Jiménez Torres and Leticia Villamediana González

Volume 5, Studies in Latin American and Spanish History


This volume brings together leading scholars in Spanish and Latin American studies to explore the concept of the Spanish “public sphere” and its relation to society and political power over time. It offers a long-term, panoramic view—spanning from the Enlightenment to current developments in the EU—on one of the most urgent issues for contemporary European societies.

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Encounters with Emotions: Negotiating Cultural Differences since Early ModernityENCOUNTERS WITH EMOTIONS
Negotiating Cultural Differences since Early Modernity
Edited by Benno Gammerl, Philipp Nielsen, and Margit Pernau


Spanning Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Encounters with Emotions investigates experiences of face-to-face transcultural encounters from the seventeenth century to the present and the emotional dynamics that helped to shape them.

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Twilight of the Merkel Era: Power and Politics in Germany after the 2017 Bundestag ElectionTWILIGHT OF THE MERKEL ERA
Power and Politics in Germany after the 2017 Bundestag Election
Eric Langenbacher


Elections always have consequences, but the 2017 Bundestag election in Germany proved particularly consequential. With political upheaval across the globe—notably in Britain and the USA—it was vital to European and global order that Germany remain stable.

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Mad Mädchen: Feminism and Generational Conflict in Recent German Literature and FilmMAD MÄDCHEN
Feminism and Generational Conflict in Recent German Literature and Film
Margaret McCarthy


“In navigating the material, McCarthy manages to capture girlish playfulness and its activist potential while projecting forward and providing a new reading of important historical movements. Written in accessible prose, the book bridges gaps between activism and theory…Highly Recommended.”Choice

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Indigeneity and the Sacred: Indigenous Revival and the Conservation of Sacred Natural Sites in the AmericasINDIGENEITY AND THE SACRED
Indigenous Revival and the Conservation of Sacred Natural Sites in the Americas
Edited by Fausto Sarmiento and Sarah Hitchner

Volume 22, Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology


“The effect of the whole [volume] is to emphasize the importance of saving sites locally sacred to Indigenous or majority peoples, and to take full account of how they are regarded and how they must be reverently and civilly managed to keep from offending…Highly recommended.”Choice

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The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East AfricaTHE NATURE OF GERMAN IMPERIALISM
Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa
Bernhard Gissibl

Volume 9, Environment in History: International Perspectives


The Nature of German Imperialism is at once an analytic tour de force and an empirically rich and cogent account of wildlife conservation as an ideologically charged political activity rife with contradictions and denials…His grounding of German imperialism in the wider turn-of- the-century European intellectual and social history is a most welcome contribution to East African studies.” Finalist for the 2017 BETHWELL A. OGOT BOOK PRIZE of the African Studies Association

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In the Name of the Great Work: Stalin's Plan for the Transformation of Nature and its Impact in Eastern EuropeIN THE NAME OF THE GREAT WORK
Stalin’s Plan for the Transformation of Nature and its Impact in Eastern Europe
Edited by Doubravka Olšáková

Volume 10, Environment in History: International Perspectives


“The book makes a valuable contribution to the understudied environmental history of Central and Eastern Europe.”H-Soz-Kult

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Occupation in the East: The Daily Lives of German Occupiers in Warsaw and Minsk, 1939-1944OCCUPATION IN THE EAST
The Daily Lives of German Occupiers in Warsaw and Minsk, 1939-1944
Stephan Lehnstaedt
Translated by Martin Dean


“This is clearly a book that scholars of Eastern Europe and the Holocaust should read with interest, not least because of Lehnstaedt’s arresting conclusion that the Volksgemeinschaft was not created in the East, in the end, but that ‘it was possible there to get much closer to the intended goal than [it was] in the Reich.” Central European History

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Space and Spatiality in Modern German-Jewish HistorySPACE AND SPATIALITY IN MODERN GERMAN-JEWISH HISTORY
Edited by Simone Lässig and Miriam Rürup

Volume 8, New German Historical Perspectives


“In their various ways, the contributions of the volume… offer rich food for thought… the volume advances the discussion of space and spatiality in German-Jewish history considerably, and in the best instances individual contributions successfully break down the barriers between German and non-German historiography, just as the editors hoped they would.”German History



Archeologies of Confession: Writing the German Reformation, 1517-2017ARCHEOLOGIES OF CONFESSION
Writing the German Reformation, 1517-2017
Edited by Carina L. Johnson, David M. Luebke, Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer, and Jesse Spohnholz

Volume 16, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association


“This is a wide-ranging collection which raises some challenging questions for historians about the reliability of earlier scholarship.” The English Historical Review

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Berghahn Journals


Cover European JudaismEuropean Judaism
A Journal for the New Europe
Volume 52: Issue 1

Published in association with the Leo Baeck College and the Michael Goulston Education Foundation


Cover Democratic TheoryDemocratic Theory
An Interdisciplinary Journal


Volume 6: Issue 1



Cover Anthropological Journal of European CulturesAnthropological Journal of European Cultures
(formerly: Anthropological Yearbook of European Cultures)
Volume 28: Issue 1



Cover Nature and CultureNature and Culture


Volume 14: Issue 2



Cover Boyhood StudiesBoyhood Studies
An Interdisciplinary Journal
Volume 11: Issue 2


Cover Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and SocietyJournal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society


Volume 11: Issue 1

SPECIAL ISSUE After the War—A New Beginning? Reading Primers and Political Change in European Countries around 1945


Cover Regions and CohesionRegions and Cohesion
Regiones y Cohesión / Régions et Cohésion


Volume 9: Issue 1



Cover Contributions to the History of ConceptsContributions to the History of Concepts


Volume 14: Issue 1



Cover German Politics and SocietyGerman Politics and Society

A joint publication of the BMW Center for German and European Studies (of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University) and theGerman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


Volume 37: Issue 1


Cover Migration and SocietyMigration and Society
Advances in Research


Volume 2: Issue 1




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