

We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, History, and Medical Anthropology, along with our New in Paperback titles.






Mirrors of Passing: Unlocking the Mysteries of Death, Materiality, and TimeMIRRORS OF PASSING

Unlocking the Mysteries of Death, Materiality, and Time

Edited by Sophie Seebach and Rane Willerslev


Mirrors of Passing offers a powerful window into this oldest of human preoccupations by investigating the interrelationships of death, materiality, and temporality across far-flung times and places.

Read Introduction

Hierarchy and Value: Comparative Perspectives on Moral OrderHIERARCHY AND VALUE

Comparative Perspectives on Moral Order

Edited by Jason Hickel and Naomi Haynes

Volume 7, Studies in Social Analysis


Why do some communities see hierarchy as desireable? In this book, leading anthropologists draw on insightful ethnographic case studies from around the world to address these trends. Together, they develop a theory of hierarchy that treats it both as a relational form and a framework for organizing ideas about the social good.

Momentous Mobilities: Anthropological Musings on the Meanings of TravelMOMENTOUS MOBILITIES

Anthropological Musings on the Meanings of Travel

Noel B. Salazar

Volume 4, Worlds in Motion


Grounded in scholarly analysis and personal reflection, and drawing on a multi-sited and multi-method research design, Momentous Mobilities disentangles the meanings attached to temporary travels and stays abroad and offers empirical evidence as well as novel theoretical arguments to develop an anthropology of mobility.

Pilgrimage and Political Economy: Translating the SacredPILGRIMAGE AND POLITICAL ECONOMY

Translating the Sacred

Edited by Simon Coleman and John Eade


This volume explores how wider factors behind transnational and global mobility have impacted on pilgrimage activity across the world, and examines the ways in which pilgrimage relates to migration, diaspora, and political cooperation or conflict across nation-states.

Living Under Austerity: Greek Society in CrisisLIVING UNDER AUSTERITY

Greek Society in Crisis

Edited by Evdoxios Doxiadis and Aimee Placas


Since its sovereign debt crisis in 2009, Greece has been living under austerity, with no apparent end in sight. This volume explores the effects of policies pursued by the Greek state since then (under the direction of the Troika), and how Greek society has responded.

An Australian Indigenous Diaspora: Warlpiri Matriarchs and the Refashioning of TraditionAN AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS DIASPORA

Warlpiri Matriarchs and the Refashioning of Tradition

Paul Burke


This book is a multi-sited ethnography of the migration of a minority of the aboriginal Warlpiri away from their traditional homeland to distant towns and cities.  It follows a number of Warlpiri matriarchs into their new locations, exploring how they sustain their independent lives and examining their changing relationship with the traditional culture they represent.

Ethnographies of Movement, Sociality and Space: Place-Making in the New Northern IrelandETHNOGRAPHIES OF MOVEMENT, SOCIALITY AND SPACE

Place-Making in the New Northern Ireland

Edited by Milena Komarova and Maruška Svašek


Volume 8, Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement


Exploring the complex dynamics of twenty-first century spatial sociality, this volume provides a much-needed multi-dimensional perspective that undermines the dominant image of Northern Ireland as a conflict-ridden place.



Sense and Essence: Heritage and the Cultural Production of the RealSENSE AND ESSENCE

Heritage and the Cultural Production of the Real

Edited by Birgit Meyer and Mattijs van de Port


Volume 9, Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement


Contrary to popular perceptions, cultural heritage is not given, but constantly in the making, subject to dynamic processes of (re)inventing culture within particular social formations and via particular forms of mediation. Through the heuristic concepts of the “politics of authentication” and “aesthetics of persuasion,” this volume explores the centrality of this tension to heritage formation worldwide.



Empathy and History: Historical Understanding in Re-enactment, Hermeneutics and EducationEMPATHY AND HISTORY

Historical Understanding in Re-enactment, Hermeneutics and Education

Tyson Retz

Volume 35, Making Sense of History


Empathy and History is the first comprehensive account of empathy’s place in the practice, teaching, and philosophy of history. Beginning with the concept’s roots in nineteenth-century German historicism, the book follows its historical development, transformation, and deployment while revealing its relevance for practitioners today.

Medical Anthropology


Global Fluids: The Cultural Politics of Reproductive Waste and ValueGLOBAL FLUIDS

The Cultural Politics of Reproductive Waste and Value

Charlotte Kroløkke

Volume 39, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives


Taking a sociological and anthropological perspective, the author focuses in particular on the role that countries like Denmark, Spain, the Netherlands, and Japan play in the reproductive products industry, and discusses the moral limits of the cultural and rhetorical trajectories that turn women’s body products into internationally mobile substances.

New in Paperback Titles:


Healing Roots: Anthropology in Life and MedicineHEALING ROOTS

Anthropology in Life and Medicine

Julie Laplante

Volume 15, Epistemologies of Healing


“Overall, Laplante’s Healing Roots, focusing on the tensions between the biomedical and traditional healing–based ways of making a medicine is an informative and important contribution to the literature [of] intrinsic value in the classroom, primarily for graduate-level students with specific interests in South Africa and the crossroads of ethnopharmacology and biomedicine.” • Medical Anthropology Quarterly

Read Introduction: Tracing the Preclinical Trial of an Indigenous Plant

Shamanism: Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to the Mastery of Spirits and HealingSHAMANISM

Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to the Mastery of Spirits and Healing

Merete Demant Jakobsen†


“This is a most useful book in the present discourse on shamanism, for it is one in which a specialist in traditional or classical shamanism who is also familiar with New Age shamanism compares the two complexes … highly recommendable.”  · Shamanism


“The volume is highly to be recommended to the specialist and to the interested layperson alike.”  · Religious Studies Review

The Second Generation: Émigrés from Nazi Germany as Historians<br>With a Biobibliographic GuideTHE SECOND GENERATION

Émigrés from Nazi Germany as Historians

With a Biobibliographic Guide

Edited by Andreas W. Daum, Hartmut Lehmann, and James J. Sheehan

Volume 20, Studies in German History


“The contributions to this volume manage impressively to show the interconnections between life and work, describing the professional developments against the background of emigration as well as demonstrating the influence of the refugee experience on their historical works.” • Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft

Read Introduction: Refugees from Nazi Germany as Historians: Origins and Migrations, Interests and Identities

World Heritage on the Ground: Ethnographic PerspectivesWORLD HERITAGE ON THE GROUND

Ethnographic Perspectives

Edited by Christoph Brumann and David Berliner

Volume 28, EASA Series


“The anthology presents case studies not only useful for furthering the field of heritage studies, but also for opening up the field of heritage to the anthropology of international institutions.” • Heritage & Society

Read Introduction: UNESCO World Heritage – Grounded?


Exchange and Ambiguity at Work

Edited by Jens Kjaerulff

Volume 25, EASA Series


“The book is an intriguing compilation of research that deals with changes in modern labour and employment. Its authors add new perspectives to debates in sociology of work and contemporary social thought.”  ·  Vera TrappmannUniversität Magdeburg

Read Introduction


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