


We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, History, Museum Studies, and Sociology, along with our New in Paperback titles.






Monetising the Dividual Self: The Emergence of the Lifestyle Blog and Influencers in MalaysiaMONETISING THE DIVIDUAL SELF
The Emergence of the Lifestyle Blog and Influencers in Malaysia
Julian Hopkins

Volume 8, Anthropology of Media


Combining theoretical and empirical discussions with shorter “thick description” case studies, this book offers an anthropological exploration of the emergence in Malaysia of lifestyle bloggers – precursors to current social media “microcelebrities” and “influencers.”

Read Introduction: Anthroblogia: Participant Observation and Blogging in Malaysia


Being Bedouin Around Petra: Life at a World Heritage Site in the Twenty-First CenturyBEING BEDOUIN AROUND PETRA
Life at a World Heritage Site in the Twenty-First Century
Mikkel Bille


Being Bedouin Around Petra explores the relationships between the UNESCO protection conferred on Petra, Jordan, and the traditions and lives of the semi-nomadic Bedouin who inhabit the surrounding area. It explores what it means to be Bedouin when tourism, heritage protection, national discourse, and other forces lay competing claims to the past.

Read Introduction: In the Presence of Things


Cultural Studies


Politics of Scale: New Directions in Critical Heritage StudiesPOLITICS OF SCALE
New Directions in Critical Heritage Studies
Edited by Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Suzie Thomas, and Yujie Zhu

NEW SERIES: Volume 1, Explorations in Heritage Studies


Politics of Scale offers a global, multi- and interdisciplinary point of view to the scaled nature of heritage, and provides a theoretical discussion on scale as a social construct and a method in Critical Heritage Studies.

Read Introduction: Heritage and Scale




Friedrich Gerstäcker
Translated and edited by Charles Adams and Christoph Irmscher

Volume 5, Transatlantic Perspectives


The Arkansas Regulators is a rousing tale of frontier adventure, first published in German in 1846, but virtually lost to English readers for well over a century. Written in the tradition of James Fenimore Cooper, but offering a much darker and more violent image of the American frontier, this was the first novel produced by Friedrich Gerstäcker, who would go on to become one of Germany’s most famous and prolific authors.

Read Introduction


The Changing Meanings of the Welfare State: Histories of a Key Concept in the Nordic CountriesTHE CHANGING MEANINGS OF THE WELFARE STATE
Histories of a Key Concept in the Nordic Countries
Edited by Nils Edling


In this volume, specialists from Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland chronicle the historical trajectory of “the welfare state,” tracing the variable ways in which it has been interpreted, valued, and challenged over time.

Read Introduction



Museum Studies


Views of Violence: Representing the Second World War in German and European Museums and MemorialsVIEWS OF VIOLENCE
Representing the Second World War in German and European Museums and Memorials
Edited by Jörg Echternkamp and Stephan Jaeger
Afterword by Jay Winter

Volume 19, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association


This volume takes a historical perspective on museums covering the Second World War and explores how these institutions came to define political contexts and cultures of public memory in Germany, across Europe, and throughout the world.

Read Introduction: Representing the Second World War in German and European Museums and Memorials



Refugees Welcome?: Difference and Diversity in a Changing GermanyREFUGEES WELCOME?
Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany
Edited by Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald


The arrival in 2015 and 2016 of over one million asylum seekers and refugees in Germany had major social consequences and gave rise to extensive debates about the nature of cultural diversity and collective life. This volume examines the responses and implications of what was widely seen as the most significant and contested social change since German reunification in 1990.

Read Introduction: Making, Experiencing and Managing Difference in a Changing Germany


New In Paperback


Desires for Reality: Radicalism and Revolution in Western European FilmDESIRES FOR REALITY
Radicalism and Revolution in Western European Film
Benjamin Halligan


“As a history of aesthetic priorities, formal shifts, and creative possibilities in broadly leftist cinema in Europe of the 1960s, the book is authoritative. The early chapters about the pre-history of the film production in question offer valuable insights into the influence of neo-realism on European post-war cinema, and the importance of concepts of Bazinian realism on the French New Wave specifically. The quality of the film analysis throughout is excellent.”French Studies

Read Chapter 1. “All All All”


Anthropology and Public Service: The UK ExperienceANTHROPOLOGY AND PUBLIC SERVICE
The UK Experience
Edited by Jeremy MacClancy


Anthropology and Public Service shows how anthropologists can set new agendas, and revise old ones in the public sector. Written for scholars and students of various social sciences, these chapters include discussions of anthropologists’ work with the Department for International Development, the Ministry of Defence, the UK Border Agency, and the Cabinet Office, and their contributions to prison governance.

Read Chapter 1. Introduction
: Anthropology and Public Service


Museum Websites and Social Media: Issues of Participation, Sustainability, Trust and DiversityMUSEUM WEBSITES AND SOCIAL MEDIA
Issues of Participation, Sustainability, Trust and Diversity
Ana Luisa Sánchez Laws

Volume 8, Museums and Collections


“From a basic section on what blogs, social media, and websites are, to informative case studies that offer real-world examples of successes and failures from top world museums, this book is a valuable contribution to public historians and museum professionals. The history of museums’ use of digital technology and the web is fascinating to the historical researchers among us… Any public historian who works for an organization that is interested in digital history and dissemination of that history will find this volume important.” • The Public Historian

Read Introduction


Shamanism: Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to the Mastery of Spirits and HealingNEW & REVISED PAPERBACK EDITION

Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to the Mastery of Spirits and Healing
Merete Demant Jakobsen†


“This is a most useful book in the present discourse on shamanism, for it is one in which a specialist in traditional or classical shamanism who is also familiar with New Age shamanism compares the two complexes … highly recommendable.” · Shamanism

Read Introduction


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