

We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Medical Anthropology, Mobility Studies, Performance Studies, and Refugee & Migration Studies, along with our New in Paperback titles.





Roma Activism: Reimagining Power and KnowledgeROMA ACTIVISM
Reimagining Power and Knowledge
Edited by Sam Beck and Ana Ivasiuc

NEW SERIES: Volume 1, Romani Studies


Exploring contemporary debates and developments and gathering together contributors from activism, academia, and the worlds of policy and development, this volume argues for taking up reflexivity as practice in in Roma-related research and forms of activism, and advocates a necessary renewal of research sites, methods, and epistemologies.

Read Introduction: Renewing Research and Romani Activism


All or None: Cooperation and Sustainability in Italy's Red BeltALL OR NONE
Cooperation and Sustainability in Italy’s Red Belt
Alison Sánchez Hall

Volume 3, Anthropology of Europe


All or None is a social history and anthropological study of the world’s oldest voluntary collective farms in Ravenna, Italy, addressing the question of the viability of cooperative enterprise as a potential solution for displaced workers, and as a more humane alternative to capitalist agribusiness.

Read Chapter 1. “Alice Nel Paese Delle Meravilige” (Alice the Anthropologist in Wonderland)


The Rite of Urban Passage: The Spatial Ritualization of Iranian Urban TransformationTHE RITE OF URBAN PASSAGE
The Spatial Ritualization of Iranian Urban Transformation
Reza Masoudi

NEW SERIES: Volume 2, Articulating Journeys: Festivals, Memorials, and Homecomings


Focusing on the spatial dynamics of Muharram processions in the Iranian city, this book offers an alternative approach to understanding the process of urban transformation, and puts forward a spatial genealogy of Muharram rituals that provides a platform for developing a fresh spatial approach to ritual studies.

Read Introduction


The Wheel of Autonomy: Rhetoric and Ethnicity in the Omo ValleyTHE WHEEL OF AUTONOMY
Rhetoric and Ethnicity in the Omo Valley
Felix Girke

Volume 18, Integration and Conflict Studies


Through the theoretical lens of rhetoric, this book offers an interactionalist analysis of how the Kara – a small population in southern Ethiopia – negotiate ethnic and non-ethnic differences among themselves, the relations with their various neighbors, and eventually their integration in the Ethiopian state.

Read Introduction: How Do They Do It




Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction in Neolithic GreeceCOMMUNITIES, LANDSCAPES, AND INTERACTION IN NEOLITHIC GREECE
Edited by Apostolos Sarris, Evita Kalogiropoulou, Tuna Kalayci, and Evagelia Karimali

Volume 20, International Monographs in Prehistory: Archaeological


This volume provides a synthetic overview of recent developments in the study of Neolithic Greece, and reconsiders the dynamics of human-environment interactions while recording the growing diversity in layers of social organization. It fills an essential lacuna in contemporary literature and enhances our understanding of the Neolithic communities in the Greek Peninsula.

Read Chapter 1. Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction: An Introduction


Medical Anthropology


Masculinity, Sexuality, and Biosociality in Denmark
Sebastian Mohr

Volume 40, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives


Through ethnographic explorations of the everyday lives of Danish sperm donors, Being a Sperm Donor explores how masculinity and sexuality are reconfigured in a time in which the norms and logics of (reproductive) biomedicine have become ordinary, and examines how the latter’s socio-cultural and political dimensions become intertwined with men’s intimate sense of self.

Read Introduction: Being a Sperm Donor


Mobility Studies


Healthcare in Motion: Immobilities in Health Service Delivery and AccessHEALTHCARE IN MOTION
Immobilities in Health Service Delivery and Access
Edited by Cecilia Vindrola-Padros, Ginger A. Johnson, and Anne E. Pfister

Volume 5, Worlds in Motion


Healthcare in Motion explores the dynamic interrelationship between mobility and healthcare, drawing on case studies from across the world and examining the day-to-day practices of patients and professionals. It considers how the need for health services engenders particular (im)mobility forms, and how mobility is experienced and imagined when it is required for healthcare.

Read Introduction: Healthcare in Motion


Performance Studies


Lullabies and Battle Cries: Music, Identity and Emotion among Republican Parading Bands in Northern IrelandLULLABIES AND BATTLE CRIES
Music, Identity and Emotion among Republican Parading Bands in Northern Ireland
Jaime Rollins

Volume 13, Dance and Performance Studies


Lullabies and Battle Cries examines the relationship between music, emotion, memory, and identity in Northern Irish republican parading bands, exploring how rebel parade music provides a foundational idiom of national and republican expression, acting as a critical medium for shaping new political identities.

Read Introduction: Entering the Field


Refugee & Migration Studies


Refugee Resettlement: Power, Politics, and Humanitarian GovernanceREFUGEE RESETTLEMENT
Power, Politics, and Humanitarian Governance
Edited by Adèle Garnier, Liliana Lyra Jubilut, and Kristin Bergtora Sandvik

Volume 38, Forced Migration


The first of its kind, this volume explores refugee resettlement as a form of humanitarian governance; it offers a detailed understanding of resettlement practices, from the selection of refugees to their long-term integration in resettling states, and highlights the relevance of a lifespan approach to resettlement analysis.

Read Introduction: Refugee Resettlement as Humanitarian Governance: Power Dynamics. Introduction


New in Paperback


Migrations in the German Lands, 1500-2000MIGRATIONS IN THE GERMAN LANDS, 1500-2000
Edited by Jason Coy, Jared Poley, and Alexander Schunka

Volume 13, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association


“The majority of essays deserve being highly praised as many authors provide well-written analyses and insights that are full of detail and highly original…The quality of the volume…ensures scholars working on specific aspects of migration in German territory will find valuable information in it.”German History

Read Introduction: Migration in the German Lands: An Introduction


Different Germans, Many Germanies: New Transatlantic PerspectivesDIFFERENT GERMANS, MANY GERMANIES
New Transatlantic Perspectives
Edited by Konrad H. Jarausch, Harald Wenzel, and Karin Goihl


“Although the book is not intended as a history of modern Germany, advanced students will discover many tantalizing perspectives in what outsiders see as German as well as the German response. With this publication, Berghahn Books remains the strongest source for quality academic publications addressing all aspects of German studies… Highly Recommended.”Choice

Read Introduction


Humour, Comedy and Laughter: Obscenities, Paradoxes, Insights and the Renewal of LifeHUMOUR, COMEDY AND LAUGHTER
Obscenities, Paradoxes, Insights and the Renewal of Life
Edited by Lidia Dina Sciama

Volume 8, Social Identities


This book is a valuable contribution to the anthropology on humour as there is so little of it, despite the important place of humorous phenomena within social life. The wide variety of topics reflects the myriad ways humour may figure in different contexts: how in some cases it is an important aspect of the situation in question and in others it provides a specific lens through which to consider a topic.” · Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute

Read Introduction


Making <i>Ubumwe</i>: Power, State and Camps in Rwanda's Unity-Building ProjectFINALIST FOR THE AFRICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION 2016 BETHWELL A. OGOT BOOK PRIZE

Power, State and Camps in Rwanda’s Unity-Building Project
Andrea Purdeková

Volume 34, Forced Migration


“Although the author focuses upon Rwanda’s unity-building project, she places her analysis within a wider social and political reflection. This makes the book a major contribution to the literature on contemporary Rwanda.”African Affairs



Living Before Dying: Imagining and Remembering HomeLIVING BEFORE DYING
Imagining and Remembering Home
Janette Davies

Volume 41, New Directions in Anthropology


Living Before Dying is an important and timely contribution to a rising body of social scientific and bioethical work about dementia, including the anthropology of senility. It should be read by all those who want care to improve for older people, with and without dementia.”Times Higher Education

Read Introduction


Cosmos, Gods and Madmen: Frameworks in the Anthropologies of MedicineCOSMOS, GODS AND MADMEN
Frameworks in the Anthropologies of Medicine
Edited by Roland Littlewood and Rebecca Lynch


“[this book] provides an effective and timely response to the current comparative biomedical focus within medical anthropology, by reconnecting with its social origins.” • Anthropology & Medicine

Read Introduction: Divinity, Disease, Distress



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