We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies, History, and Medical Anthropology and Sociology, along with new Berghahn Journal issues published in April.
Theory & Methodology in Anthropology
Allen Chun
Volume 4, Loose Can(n)ons
On the Geopragmatics of Anthropological Identification explores the discursive spaces of our speaking position, or what has routinely been referred to in the literature as the poetics and politics of writing culture.
Read Introduction: The Illusion of Anthropological Identity
The Archaeology of Counter-Witchcraft
Brian Hoggard
Belief in magic and particularly the power of witchcraft was a deep and enduring presence in popular culture; people created and concealed many objects to protect themselves from harmful magic. Detailed are the principal forms of magical house protection in Britain and beyond from the fourteenth century to the present day.
Read Preface
Cultural Studies
Jean Cayrol, the Lazarean and the Everyday in Post-war Film, Literature, Music and the Visual Arts
Edited by Griselda Pollock and Max Silverman
The seminal work of Jean Cayrol has experienced a revival in the French-speaking world since his death in 2005. Concentrationary Art represents the first translation into English of Cayrol’s two essays on concentrationary art, as well as the first book-length study of his theory.
Read Introduction: Lazarus and the Modern World
Edited by Karen Hagemann, Donna Harsch, and Friederike Brühöfener
This groundbreaking collection synthesizes the perspectives of entangled history and gender studies, bringing together established as well as upcoming scholars to investigate the ways in which East and West German gender relations were culturally, socially, and politically intertwined.
Read Introduction: Gendering Post-1945 German History: Entanglements
Perspectives on the Intersections of Politics, Activism and the Historical Profession
Edited by Stefan Berger
Volume 37, Making Sense of History
Political action and historical research have been deeply intertwined for nearly as long as the historical profession has existed. In this insightful collection, practicing historians analyze, reflect on, and share their experiences of this complex relationship.
Read Introduction: Historical Writing and Civic Engagement: A Symbiotic Relationship
The Making and Unmaking of Racial Exceptionalism
Edited by Warwick Anderson, Ricardo Roque, and Ricardo Ventura Santos
The Portuguese-speaking Global South, especially Brazil, often envisions itself as exceptional in its racial conceptions and politics. Luso-Tropicalism and Its Discontents reassesses Gilberto Freyre’s influential claims that Portuguese colonialism produced what came to be called “racial democracy,” and explores racialization beyond the common trope of “race-mixing.”
Read Introduction
Time and the Foundations of Industrial Socialism in Romania
Alina-Sandra Cucu
Volume 32, International Studies in Social History
Planning Labour explores the early socialist industrialization and the implementation of central economic planning in Romania between 1945 and 1955. Centered on the city of Cluj, an ethnically mixed city in the northwestern part of Romania, this volume examines the deeply contradictory process required for achieving socialist accumulation.
Read Introduction
Medical Anthropology
What Brain–Computer and Mind–Cyberspace Interfaces Mean for Cyberneuroethics
Calum MacKellar
With the development of new direct interfaces between the human brain and computer systems, the time has come for an in-depth ethical examination of the way these neuronal interfaces may support an interaction between the mind and cyberspace.
The Presence of the Past in the Era of the Nation-State
Edited by Nicolas Argenti
Volume 8, Studies in Social Analysis
With contributions from several of the Balkan countries that once were united under the aegis of the Ottoman Empire, this latest volume proposes new theoretical approaches to the experience and transmission of the past through time.
Read Introduction: The Presence of the Past in the Era of the Nation-State
Berghahn Journals
Anthropology of the Middle East
Rethinking Power in Turkey through Everyday Practices (Vol. 13, Issue 3) Guest Editor: Élise Massicard
The journal’s aim is to disseminate, on the basis of informed analysis and insight, a better understanding of Middle Eastern cultures and thereby to achieve a greater appreciation of Middle Eastern contributions to our culturally diverse world.
The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on the human and environmental impacts of regional integration processes.
The Journal of Legal Anthropology (JLA) is a peer-reviewed journal committed to anthropological understandings of socio-legal and cultural encounters.
Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences
LATISS – Learning and Teaching is a refereed journal that uses the disciplines of sociology, anthropology, politics, international relations and social policy to reflect critically on learning and teaching practices in higher education and to analyse their relationship to changes in higher education policies and institutions.
Girlhood Studies: And Interdisciplinary Journal
Queering Girlhood (Vol. 12, Issue 1) Guest Editor: Barbara Jane Brickman
Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for the critical discussion of girlhood from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, and for the dissemination of current research and reflections on girls’ lives to a broad, cross-disciplinary audience of scholars, researchers, practitioners in the fields of education, social service and health care and policy makers.
Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies
The journal publishes articles, research reports, conference and book reviews on history, politics, economics, geography, cultural studies, anthropology, and environmental studies.
French Politics, Culture & Society
The French Resistance in Transnational Perspective (Vol. 37, Issue 1)
French Politics, Culture & Society explores modern and contemporary France from the perspectives of the social sciences, history, and cultural analysis..
The journal, which publishes articles in both English and French, is committed to exploring history in an interdisciplinary framework and with a comparative focus.
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology
An international peer-reviewed journal devoted to exploring the analytical potentials of anthropological research.
Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory
Theoria is an engaged, multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal of social and political theory.
Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind
Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that explores how the mind experiences, understands, and interprets the audiovisual and narrative structures of cinema and other visual media.
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