We’re delighted to inform you that we’ll be present at MAGic2015, the EASA Medical Anthropology Network Conference at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK from the 9th-11th September 2015. Please stop by our table to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices and pick up some free journal samples.
If you’re unable to attend, we’d like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Medical Anthropology titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code EMAN15.
Visit our website to browse our newly published interactive online Medical Anthropology and Global Health Catalogue or use the new enhanced subject searching features for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.
We hope to see you in Brighton!
Aging and the Digital Life Course
Edited by David Prendergast and Chiara Garattini
“This book presents us with an interesting study of how various technologies, including web-based tools and information and communication technologies, are embedded in particular social processes and experiences of aging and the life course. Instead of taking the usual position that ‘technology’ is something that is consumed and thrust upon us . . . this book shows how technologies are themselves a set of relations and processes that are open to change.” · Philip Kao, University of Pittsburgh
Thai in Vitro
Gender, Culture and Assisted Reproduction
Andrea Whittaker
“. . . an important contribution to the growing field of social studies of infertility treatment . . . Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) are now routine throughout the world, and it is crucial that we learn more about how they gain a foothold in particular countries.” · Ayo Wahlberg, University of Copenhagen
Achieving Procreation
Childlessness and IVF in Turkey
Merve Demircioğlu Göknar
“Many women in Turkey feel (or are made to feel) that they are not complete or fully adult until they produce a child, preferably a boy. . .This book tells the stories of childless women who resort to IVF at great expense and much suffering in order to achieve that status. A poignant call for changes in this patriarchal culture.” · Carol Delaney, Professor Emerita, Stanford University
From Virtue to Vice
Negotiating Anorexia
Richard A. O’ Connor and Penny van Esterik
“I found this to be a top-notch scholarly work written in a way that will be accessible for diverse audiences including students, professional clinicians, academics, and the interested lay public.” · Janet Dixon Keller, University of Illinois
Ritual Retellings
Luangan Healing Performances through Practice
Isabell Herrmans
“I consider this book to be a valuable contribution to Southeast Asian ethnography and to the study of ritual performance and healing. The author effectively explores the connections of her study to contemporary approaches to the study of ritual meaning and practice, and to the wider ethnographic literature. The book reads as an extended conversation with colleagues about ways to approach, present, and understand curing rituals.” · Jane Monnig Atkinson, Lewis & Clark College
Healing Roots
Anthropology in Life and Medicine
Julie Laplante
“This book represents an interesting addition to the emerging series of articles and books dedicated to the study of the interactions between Western and African systems of knowledge…[It] is very provocative and will no doubt provoke many intellectual debates.” · Gilles Bibeau, Université de Montréal
View Medical Anthropology and Global Health Catalogue
Special Issues
Anthropology in Action
Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice
Volume 22, Number 1, (Negotiating Care in Uncertain Settings and Looking Beneath the Surface of Health Governance Projects)
“…the articles included in this special issue encourage us to look at the social relations and biopolitics of encounters between patients, medical professionals, medical institutions and the state and to carefully interrogate shifts in the distribution of responsibility for healthcare and all it entails. We must look beneath the surface and at the intersection between seemingly top-down and citizen-proactive governance policies.” Read the Rest of the Introduction For Free.
Anthropology of the Middle East
Volume 2, Number 2 (Medical Anthropology of the Middle East)
“In specific areas such as vaccination, birth control and in vitro fertilisation, as well as AIDS prevention and treatments, significant developments have been made in certain countries. However, other areas of research have not yet come under scrutiny, for instance, the place of health insurance and its correct use, its sufficiency, the change it has brought about in kin relations and many others. The medical pluralism which has been produced by dualistic systems (i.e. bio-Western medicine versus ethno-traditional systems) of thinking and behaviour towards health, disease and healing needs enormous and immediate attention. How are people affected by the duality of these systems? How are they integrating them and where do we see a success in their integration? Or are these people left in the abyss?” Read the Rest of the Editorial For Free.
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology
Volume 32, Number 1 (Special Section – Epidemic Events and Processes)
The introduction to this special section of the journal argues that while it is widely accepted today that infectious disease epidemics are the result of long-term and complex social, ecological, economic and political processes, outbreaks are, more often than not, experienced on the ground as unexpected eruptions. This introduction defends the position that the dialectics between the evental and processual aspects of epidemics are good to think with anthropologically, and points to the consequences of this for an analysis of epidemic temporality in the context of emergent infectious disease discourse and intensifying biopolitical surveillance aimed at averting the ‘next pandemic’. Read More.
Girlhood Studies
An Interdisciplinary Journal
Volume 4, Number 2 (Girls and their Health)
“In the call for articles for this special issue on girls’ health, we highlighted that “[g]irls’ health is an ongoing and evolving issue with ties that go beyond medical analyses to include a wide array of social, educational, political, and environmental discourses (among others!).” That a number of different perspectives might contribute to or strengthen the interdisciplinary focus of an issue as crucial as girls’ health was important to me as guest editor. This issue demonstrates that the relationship of girlhood to health—sexual health, in particular—is of critical concern to us all. It is an area full of challenges and barriers, most of them, as is evident in this issue, understood and often expressed by girls themselves.” Read the Rest of the Introduction For Free.
Further Reading
The Body Inside Out: Menstrual Management and Gynecological Practice in Brazil
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice, Volume 55, Number 1
The undergraduate field-research experience in Global Health: Study abroad, service learning, professional training or ‘none of the above’?
Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences, Volume 6, Number 2
“Illegality,” health problems, and return migration
Regions and Cohesion, Volume 3, Number 1
Humans, Animals, and Health: From Ecology to Entanglement
Environment and Society: Advances in Research, Volume 4, Number 1
Images of Care, Boundaries of the State: Volunteering and Civil Society in Czech Health Care
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice, Volume 58, Number 3
Single mothers in Osh: Well-being and coping strategies of women in the aftermath of the 2010 conflict in Kyrgyzstan
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, Volume 2015, Number 71
We’d also like to remind you that students may receive unlimited online access to any journal for a full year for just $19.95! Individuals can receive online access for $34.95/year.