Introducing the Berghahn Migration and Development Studies collection

Berghahn Books is proud to be partnering with Knowledge Unlatched to present the Berghahn Migration and Development Studies collection. Every year until 2023 we are adding 20 front-list titles to the collection, covering the topics of international migration and movement as well as the social implications of economic and environmental change for communities. As libraries and institutions sign up for the collection and pledge their financial support, KU is able to fund the ‘unlatching’ of these books, making them available as Open Access.

Open Access publication allows the work of academics to reach a wide audience and increases its impact by removing barriers to readership, benefiting the scholarly community as a whole. If you would like to find out more about how your library can sign up to the Migration and Development Studies collection, visit the Knowledge Unlatched Anthropology site.

Thanks to the support of a number of libraries, Berghahn Books has been able to secure 8 OA titles over the past two years. As more libraries sign on, we’ll be able to offer more books from the Migration and Development Studies collection as Open Access, with our goal being to have a total of 15 titles offered as OA over the next 3 years.

The collection includes titles from the Forced Migration series as well as the Integration and Conflict Studies and the Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology series, among others. So far in 2021-23, pledges to the Migration and Development Studies collection have allowed us to make the following books Open Access

Resettled Iraqi Refugees in the United States: War, Refuge, Belonging, Participation, and Protest

by Jared Keyel

“This is a very important book on a question of moral importance to the United States: namely, what does the U.S. government owe to Iraqis whose country has been shattered by long-term U.S. military intervention there? This book answers with a powerful message about the importance of Iraqi refugee resettlement in the U.S., and the encouragement of their democratic participation and inclusion in American society.” • Marcia C. Inhorn, Yale University

This Land is Not For Sale: Trust and Transitions in Northern Uganda

Edited by Lotte Meinert and Susan Reynolds Whyte

“This wonderful book makes an important contribution to the study of African land and rural communities on a number of levels. There is a remarkable richness and diversity of empirical material, largely collected and described by researchers and writers from the region.” • Julian Hopwood, London School of Economics

Grazing Communities: Pastoralism on the Move and Biocultural Heritage Frictions

Edited by Letizia Bindi

“The book efficiently presents links between local practice, landscape conservation, and cultural heritage, as needs to be sustained and promoted at a European scale for sustainable tourism, local development, and rural communities.” • Luca Battaglini, University of Padova

Making Things Happen: Community Participation and Disaster Reconstruction in Pakistan

Jane Murphy Thomas

“I find the book to be truly remarkable and absolutely stand-alone in what it describes and what it does. As opposed to the usual disheartening tale of the failure of a disaster reconstruction (or development) project, detailed here is a totally successful post-disaster reconstruction achievement due to the express involvement throughout of the anthropological perspective and community participation.” • Susanna Hoffman, Chair of The Risk and Disaster Commission of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnographic Sciences (IUAES)

Tangled Mobilities: Places, Affects, and Personhood across Social Spheres in Asian Migration

Edited by Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot and Gracia Liu-Farrer

In exploring how the migratory process unfolds in different stages of migrants’ lives, the chapters in this collected volume broaden perspectives on mobility, offering insight into the way places, affects, and personhood are shaped by and connected to it.

Delta Life: Exploring Dynamic Environments where Rivers Meet the Sea

Edited by Franz Krause and Mark Harris

“This volume does more than assemble ethnographic studies of delta inhabitants from around the world. It weaves their experience into a sustained reflection on life in a volatile world of islands, reedbeds, coasts and swamps, a world ever made, unmade and remade, as much by spirits as by people, and as much by states and markets as by the elements of air, earth and water. Here, the lens of the delta affords rare insight into what it means to live downstream.” • Tim Ingold, University of Aberdeen

Un-Settling Middle Eastern Refugees: Regimes of Exclusion and Inclusion in the Middle East, Europe, and North America

Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn and Lucia Volk

“The book offers an important and much-needed contribution to the anthropological literature on displacement and humanitarianism, as well as to the interdisciplinary study of Middle Eastern refugees… it addresses an important gap in both academic and public debates on its subject matter in an eloquent and powerful way.” • Secil Dagtas, University of Waterloo

After Corporate Paternalism: Material Renovation and Social Change in Times of Ruination

By Christian Straube

“Christian Straube’s book is a fine-grained ethnography of dynamic living amidst the infrastructural remains of corporate paternalism in present day Zambia. It is less a story of how ‘things fall apart’ but rather one of things ‘getting reassembled’ in Mpatamatu. The author offers a bold conceptual framing of renovation within ruination and insights on built environments becoming sites for creative opportunity on the part of township residents—its men, women, former miners-turned-teachers, and preachers.” • Pamila Gupta, University of the Witwatersrand

Opening up the University: Teaching and Learning with Refugees

Edited by Céline Cantat, Ian M. Cook, and Prem Kumar Rajaram

“This compelling edited collection draws on a range of contributors working within different contexts to in order to push the boundaries of existent debates and discourses in the field. I found it moving, thought-provoking, and inherently ethical in its framing.” • Jacqueline Stevenson, University of Leeds

Refugees on the Move: Crisis and Response in Turkey and Europe

Edited by Erol Balkan and Zümray Kutlu Tonak

“This is a well-crafted mix of broad considerations of the production of the refugee, as well as contextualized and detailed considerations of refugees in two especially important regions.” • Chaise LaDousa, Hamilton College, New York

To learn how to pledge support for the Migration and Development Studies collection, please visit the Knowledge Unlatched Anthropology site.

Our thanks to the following supporting libraries*:


New York University

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Zentralbibliothek Zürich (Central Library of Zurich / University of Zürich)

Freie Universität Berlin (FU) (Free University of Berlin)

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung)

Universitätsbibliothek St. Gallen (University of St. Gallen)

University of South-Eastern Norway

The British Library

University Library of Basel

Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)

University of Colorado Boulder


Iowa State University

University of Melbourne

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


University of Massachusetts Amherst

Case Western Reserve University

University of East Anglia

Princeton University

University of Basel

*all supporting libraries receive guaranteed access to all titles from the collection for each pledge year. We will update this list as more libraries sign up.

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