Hot Off the Press – New Journal Issues Published in April



Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology

Volume 2016, Issue 74

This issue features a theme section titled: After Dispossession that consists of articles which show how seemingly global processes become entangled in local affairs in sub-Saharan Africa, in a former Soviet republic, and in Latin America. This issue also includes a general articles section and a forum section.

French Politics, Culture & Society

Volume 34, Issue 1

This issue features articles exploring topics related to electoral participation in France.

Girlhood Studies

An Interdisciplinary Journal

Volume 9, Issue 1

This special volume includes contributions from academics, activists, and service providers who engage with the intersectional domains of disability, gender, and humanitarian praxis. The focus of this special issue is on building more enduring conceptual alliances between disability studies and girlhood studies in favor of transdisciplinary analyses.

German Politics and Society

Volume 34, Issue 1

The contributors to this issue present articles covering a range of topics related to German politics.

Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques

Volume 42, Issue 1

The articles in this special issue highlight the varied nuances of the concept of status and what examinations of both gender and status can reveal about medieval society.

Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society

Volume 7, Issue 2

This special issue of the Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society explores memory practices and history education.

Learning and Teaching

The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences 

Volume 9, Issue 1

This issue of LATISS concentrates on approaches to learning, teaching and assessment in the social sciences and features contributors from universities in many different parts of the world. Themes that run through the whole issue include learning from experience, responding to students’ needs and making space for creativity and risk-taking.


The Journal for Movies and Mind

Volume 10, Issue 1

This issue features a special symposium on narration in fiction film, as well as a selection of articles covering a broad list of topics. The issue concludes with a book reviews section.

Regions and Cohesion

Regiones y Cohesión / Régions et Cohésion

Volume 6, Issue 1

This issue is comprised of articles that explore a variety of topics, such as education, poverty, and inequality.


A Journal of Social and Political Theory

Volume 63, Issue 146

Theoria is an engaged, multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal of social and political theory. Published every quarter, its purpose is to address, through academic debate, the many challenges posed by the major social, political and economic forces that shape the contemporary world, especially but not only with regard to Africa, the global South, and their relations with the global North.