Eiffel Tower, Fireworks, Paris, Monument, Architecture
Celebrated on July, 14, Bastille Day is the French national day and one of the most important bank holidays in France. The day commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution with the storming of the Bastille on the 14th July 1789, a medieval fortress and prison which was a symbol of tyrannical Bourbon authority and had held many political dissidents, and symbolizes the end of absolute monarchy and the birth of sovereign Nation.
In recognition of the 230th anniversary, Berghahn Journals would like to offer FULL ACCESS to French Politics, Culture & Society* until July 28!
To access, use the code BastilleDay19. View redemption instructions.


We’re are also delighted to suggest a selection of French Studies titles to browse through:


Berghahn Monographs in French Studies Series

France has played a central role in the emergence of the modern world. The Great French Revolution of 1789 contributed decisively to political modernity, and the Paris of Baudelaire did the same for culture. Because of its rich intellectual and cultural traditions, republican democracy, imperial past and post-colonial present, twentieth-century experience of decline and renewal, and unique role in world affairs, France and its history remain important today. This series publishes monographs that offer significant methodological and empirical contributions to our understanding of the French experience and its broader role in the making of the modern world.


National Policy, Global Memory: The Commemoration of the “Righteous” from Jerusalem to Paris, 1942-2007Volume 15

The Commemoration of the “Righteous” from Jerusalem to Paris, 1942-2007
Sarah Gensburger
Translated by Katharine Throssell


“This is a rich book–thickly documented, creative in selecting its object of inquiry–and challenges instrumental concepts of the uses of memory implicit in the accusations leveled by those who denounce ‘victim competition’… Gensburger’s aim is to explain public policy, and that she does in an eye-opening fashion. The problems she raises are timely and interesting, and her empirical rejection of the “interest group” argument is convincing.”H-France Review

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At Home in Postwar France: Modern Mass Housing and the Right to ComfortVolume 14

Modern Mass Housing and the Right to Comfort
Nicole C. Rudolph


“Rudolph’s monograph [is an] important addition to the fields of modern France and the history of urbanism. It is especially noteworthy for its contributions to the burgeoning field of post-1945 studies, to research on the social sciences, and to discussions about membership in the nation.” • Contemporary French Civilization

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France in the Age of Organization: Factory, Home and Nation from the 1920s to Vichy Volume 11 Available in Paperback

Factory, Home and Nation from the 1920s to Vichy
Jackie Clarke


“Even if Clarke’s rich and detailed account is mostly a story about the unrecognized interwar origins of the postwar economic miracle, it provides many thought-provoking arguments about the heterogeneity of this ancestry and successfully challenges the central narrative of modernization in twentieth-century France.” · American Historical Review

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The Bourgeois Revolution in France 1789-1815Volume 5 Available in Paperback

Henry Heller


“The book is well worth reading as a lively critique of the various revisionist attempts to deny the class character of the French Revolution, and a summary of (some of) the relevant evidence.”Weekly Worker

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For a full list of titles in the series please visit the webpage.


French Foreign Policy since 1945: An IntroductionFRENCH FOREIGN POLICY SINCE 1945
An Introduction
Frédéric Bozo
Translated by Jonathan Hensher


“This elegant survey of the subject…is the most authoritative and comprehensive account of its subject available and should be read by students, fellow-scholars and anyone engaged in foreign relations with France.”French History

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The France of the Little-Middles: A Suburban Housing Development in Greater ParisCHOICE OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC TITLE 2017

A Suburban Housing Development in Greater Paris
Marie Cartier, Isabelle Coutant, Olivier Masclet, and Yasmine Siblot
Translated by Juliette Rogers

Volume 1, Anthropology of Europe


“Given the rich, careful data, the complex analyses, and the sensitive evocations of families divided by place, decisions, and success, this book should stimulate vastly enriched, comparative examinations of metropolitan Paris in its global context. It is also a provocative read about class, place, education, aspiration, and anxiety for social scientists and citizens worldwide …Essential.”Choice

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France and the German Question, 1945–1990Forthcoming in July 2019

Edited by Frédéric Bozo and Christian Wenkel


“France and the German Question is an outstanding, superbly edited volume with contributions by leading scholars in the field. For anyone interested in an up-to-date history of the Franco-German relationship, this is now the go-to volume.”Christian Ostermann, Woodrow Wilson Center


France After 2012FRANCE AFTER 2012
Edited by Gabriel Goodliffe and Riccardo Brizzi


“…a work of seminal scholarship and very highly recommended for academic library International Studies collections in general, and 21st Century French Political History supplemental reading lists in particular.” · MBR Bookwatch

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The Event of <em>Charlie Hebdo</em>: Imaginaries of Freedom and ControlTHE EVENT OF CHARLIE HEBDO
Imaginaries of Freedom and Control
Edited by Alessandro Zagato
Afterword by Bruce Kapferer

Volume 15, Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis


The volume observes that the events being attributed to Charlie Hebdo go beyond sensationalist reports of the mainstream media, transcend the spatial confines of nation states, and lend themselves to an ever-expanding number of mutating discursive formations.

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Concentrationary Art: Jean Cayrol, the Lazarean and the Everyday in Post-war Film, Literature, Music and the Visual ArtsCONCENTRATIONARY ART
Jean Cayrol, the Lazarean and the Everyday in Post-war Film, Literature, Music and the Visual Arts
Edited by Griselda Pollock and Max Silverman


Concentrationary Art presents the first translation into English of Jean Cayrol’s key essays on the subject, as well as the first book-length study of how we might situate and elaborate his concept of a Lazarean aesthetic in cultural theory, literature, cinema, music and contemporary art.

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Categories in Context: Gender and Work in France and Germany, 1900–PresentCATEGORIES IN CONTEXT
Gender and Work in France and Germany, 1900–Present
Edited by Isabelle Berrebi-Hoffmann, Olivier Giraud, Léa Renard, and Theresa Wobbe

Volume 31, International Studies in Social History


By focusing on specific developments in France and Germany through a transnational lens, this volume produces insights that can be applied to a wide variety of political, social, and historical contexts.

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French Politics, Culture & Society explores modern and contemporary France from the perspectives of the social sciences, history, and cultural analysis. It also examines France’s relationship to the larger world, especially Europe, the United States, and the former French Empire. 


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Black October: Comics, Memory, and Cultural Representations of 17 October 1961

Claire Gorrara (Vol. 36, Issue 1)



Francesca Trivellato (Vol. 33, Issue 1)


The Choice of Ignorance: The Debate on Ethnic and Racial Statistics in France

Patrick Simon (Vol. 26, Issue 1)


Symptomatic Politics: The Banning of Islamic Head Scarves in French Public Schools

Joan W. Scott (Vol. 23, Issue 3)


Globalization and French Cultural Identity

Philip H. Gordon and Sophie Meunier (Vol. 19, Issue 1)

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