Berghahn Journals: New Issues Published in October


Environment and Society

Advances in Research

Volume 7, Issue 1: Plants and People

Exploring the relationship between plants and place-making, this volume calls on us to reflect upon the social worlds that are formed with plants. Throughout the collection of articles we are reminded of the long and dynamic history of sharing society and place with plants and of the privilege of sharing our world with plants.



Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies

Volume 6, Issue 3

This issue commences with two general articles that examine motorcycling in 1980s Athens and Canada’s restriction of refugee claimants through airports in the late twentieth century. The Special Section is centered around the theme of Travel Writing and Knowledge Transfer. The issue concludes with the following sections: Ideas in Motion, Mobility and Art, and Reviews. 


Israel Studies Review

An Interdisciplinary Journal

Volume 31, Issue 2

The growth of Israel Studies is reflected in the diverse scope of the articles collected in this issue. While all  of the articles are related to Israel’s history, they range from examining the Jewish Yishuv responses to the Spanish Civil War to analyzing the Constituent Assembly elections, twentieth-century Turkish-Israeli relations, and the ‘Westernization’ of present day Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) society.


The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology

Volume 34, Issue 2: Everyday Diplomacy: Insights from Ethnography

As the first issue following the Brexit vote, it is timely that this special issue is devoted to diplomacy. Guest edited by Magnus Marsden, Diana Ibañez-Tirado and David Henig, the collection of articles in this issue turn to an ethnographic approach towards the study of diplomacy. 


Nature and Culture

Volume 11, Issue 3: Socialities of Nature Beyond Utopia

Featuring a special symposium on the topic of “socialities of nature beyond utopia,” this issue considers the social role of utopias, imagined and real. The articles explore how alternative cultures of nature have been marginalized as impractical, naïve, and utopian, but also how they have inspired more sustainable socio-ecological relations.


French Politics, Culture & Society

Volume 34, Issue 3

This issue features a diverse collection of articles related to topics including the feminist association Conseil national des femmes françaises (CNFF), postwar Sephardic francophonie in the United States, the rise of the Front National party in the 2014 municipal elections in France and more. This issue concludes with two book reviews. 


Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques

Volume 42, Issue 3: Rethinking World War I: Occupation, Liberation, and Reconstruction

Titled “Rethinking World War I: Occupation, Liberation, and Reconstruction,” this special issue addresses a broad range of topics connected to the war. These six articles represent some of the best new work on World War I and draw from a variety of innovative sources such as photographs, police reports, criminal court records, archives of NGOs and more.  


Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society

Volume 8, Issue 2

This collection of articles is international and interdisciplinary in scope. Focused on textbooks in a variety of sociopolitical contexts, this issue explores subjects such as cultural values in EFL textbooks in China, narratives of the Second World War in Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian textbooks, the Cold War in Swedish and Australian history textbooks and more.


Journal of Romance Studies

Volume 16, Issue 1: Reading Practices in Experimental Narratives

Experimental narratives were the theme for the most recent major international conference of the Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR). Drawing from the ideas of this conference, this special issue gathers contributions that address experimental fiction in across printed literature and digital media. The collection of articles explores innovative reading practices and how these are affected by the medium that conveys them.



Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology

Volume 2016, Issue 76: Adivasi and Dalit political pathways in India

Edited by Nicolas Jaoul and Alpa Shah, this issue features a special section titled “Adivasi and Dalit political pathways in India.” This themed section explores how the Dalits and Adivasis can offer a view on the way political subjectivities are being produced on the ground.