A Journal of Social and Political Theory
Volume 63, Issue 149
The articles in this issue cover a range of topics including realism of political liberalism, anxiety about the party form on the left, the debate about the nature of Afrocommunitarianism between Ifeanyi Menkiti and Kwame Gyekye, and the ‘crisis of democracy’ and current populist threads.
German Politics and Society
Volume 34, Issue 4
Titled Plurals of Pegida: New Right Populism and the Rhetoric of the Refugee Crisis, this timely special issue analyzes Pegida and its supporters in the context of their media presence, populist politics, and Islamophobic platform. The articles in this issue all consider the intersections between Pegida’s politics and antidemocratic, antipolitical, and antiglobalization anxieties.
The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing
Volume 17, Issue 2
This special issue is titled A Journey to Australia: Travel, Media, and the Politics of Representation. Beginning in Europe and moving toward Australia, the collection of articles in this issue mirrors the processes of exploration and colonization and thus points to one of the main areas of travel representation scholarship.
Contributions to the History of Concepts
Volume 11, Issue 2
This issue features a special section on Time in the Ibero-American World, which examines a number of time experiences in the Ibero-American world during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries from a conceptual perspective.
Learning and Teaching
The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences
Volume 9, Issue 3
In this issue, contributors from Canada, Denmark, Japan and the U.S.A. examine a variety of ways in which students’ learning on social science courses can be enhanced. This issue concludes with a review section.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies
Volume 15 Issue 3
This issue explores a wide range of topics, including: digital mapping with the Itelmen peoples, the category of neblagopoluchnaia family in Yakutsk, social pressure and religious practices among indigenous peoples of Siberia, representation of childhood in ethnographic films among the indigenous peoples of the Russian North, and social and demographic development in the Republic of Tuva.
Italian Politics
Volume 31
Since 1986, Italian Politics has described and analyzed the main political and social events of the previous year. This volume offers a detailed analysis of “Governing under Constraint,” highlighting the key developments that have affected Italian politics and institutions and Italian society in its broadest sense.
Critical Survey
Volume 28, Issue 3
Titled Arab Shakespeares, this is the second issue of Critical Survey dedicated to Arab Shakespeare. This special issue offers a variety of perspectives on the history and role of Arab Shakespeare translation, production, adaptation and criticism as well as range of both internationally and locally focused Arab/ic Shakespeare appropriations.
Museum Worlds
Advances in Research
Volume 4
Titled Current Approaches to Museum Archaeology, this volume of Museum Worlds provides case studies that exhibit the variety and vibrancy of current approaches in the field, as well as looking to the future and presenting emerging trends. The articles cover a broad range of geographic areas and cross disciplinary boundaries.
Social Analysis
The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice
Volume 60, Issue 4
Titled Hierarchy, Value, and the Value of Hierarchy, this special issue seeks to cultivate a conversation around the issue of hierarchy animated by difficult questions. The contributors to this special issue address hierarchy both as a mode of social organization and as a model for social theory and explore the central position of hierarchy in the process and production of value.