Berghahn Journals: New Issues Published in April



French Politics, Culture & Society

Current Issue: Volume 35, Issue 1: Literature and the Press

Focused on press and literature studies, this special issue highlights the research of seven key scholars in the field. Important themes include the question of globalization since the nineteenth century, female journalists, the media, in particular the illustrated press, and finally digital journalism.

Join us in celebrating the 35th anniversary of French Politics, Culture & Society and receive a 20% discount on subscriptions.


Girlhood Studies

An Interdisciplinary Journal

Current Issue: Volume 10, Issue 1

With this issue, Girlhood Studies begins its tenth year. Editor-in-Chief Claudia Mitchell opens with an editorial commemorating a decade of the journal. The general articles highlight the tremendous diversity of concerns in girlhood studies, covering topics such as abstinence until marriage, at-home daughterhood, and journalism education. This issue concludes with book reviews.
Celebrate the Girlhood Studies anniversary with us and receive a 20% discount on all subscriptions of the journal.



Learning and Teaching

The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences

Current Issue: Volume 10, Issue 1: Recreating Universities for the Public Good

The focal point of this special issue is universities that are run by and for the benefit of students, academics and the public. Contributions cover topics such as free universities, participatory organisational structures, ‘beneficial owners’ and more.
Join us in celebrating the 10th anniversary of LATISS and receive a 20% discount on subscriptions.



Anthropology in Action

Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice

Current Issue: Volume 24, Issue 1: Sensations, Symptoms and Healthcare Seeking

Anthropological studies of health and illness is the focus of this special issue on sensations, symptoms and healthcare seeking. The articles examine how various social, cultural and institutional settings configure and elaborate bodily experiences differently.



Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques

Current Issue: Volume 43, Issue 1: Women, Gender, and Law 

With the theme of “Women, Gender, and Law,” this special issue combines articles derived from a Gender and Medieval Studies (GMS) Group conference and from a meeting of the MidAmerica Medieval Association (MAMA.) This issue encapsulates both the exceptional range of topics and sources being developed by medieval scholars who focus on gender and also the wide range of interests embodied by Shona Kelly Wray, to which this issue is dedicated.



Israel Studies Review

An Interdisciplinary Journal

Current Issue: Volume 32, Issue 1: Changing Perspectives on the Temple Mount

Titled “Changing Perspectives on the Temple Mount,” this special issue deals with the escalation of religious war over the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif as well as the accompanying intellectual, theological, and political developments in both national movements. The articles offer a variety of approaches, including a historical analysis of the importance of the Mount , an examination of photographs of the Mount, a comparison between two ‘Yehudas, and more. This issue concludes with book reviews.



Journal of Romance Studies

Current Issue: Volume 16, Issue 3: Mediatizations and memories of Spain’s failed coup d’état

In the past two decades, scholarly attention to Spanish cultural memory has focused mainly on the memoria histórica [‘historical memory’] of the Spanish Civil War and the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, which lasted thirty-six years. Recently, however, the Spanish transition to democracy, or simply known as the transition, has moved into focus, from a historiographical point of view as well as from cultural perspectives. Nevertheless, the failed coup d’état executed by Civil Guard Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Tejero on 23 February 1981 is an event still only marginally studied and only partially analysed as a lieu de mémoire [‘site of memory’] in Spanish democracy. A noticeable exception, and a constant reference in this special issue, is the book edited by Francisca López and Enric Castelló (2014), Cartografías del 23-F: Representaciones en la prensa, la televisión, la novela, el cine y la cultura popular, which aims to give an exhaustive overview of the cultural production on 23-F.




The Journal for Movies and Mind

Current Issue: Volume 11, Issue 1

This issue features a selection of articles covering a broad list of topics such as concepts of cinema authorship, cognitive dissonance in viewer responses, a psychoanalytic analysis of the Star Wars films, and more. A review essay on three books about film style and mise-en-scène concludes the issue.



Regions and Cohesion

Regiones y Cohesión / Régions et Cohésion

Current Issue: Volume 7, Issue 1

The articles in this issue focus on topics such as region-building process, deaf education, and environmental security. In the Leadership Forum, two leading scholars of climate change and sustainable development have collaborated on an essay focusing on cross-border water. Readers are also welcome to read an “In Memoriam” essay that honors the late Dr. Yañez-Arancibia.




A Journal of Social and Political Theory

Current Issue: Volume 64, Issue 150

The articles in this issue cover a range of topics including interpretations of Rawls’s approach to fraternity, electoral participation in the Philippines, and two responses to Lawrence Hamilton’s Freedom Is Power – along with a response from Hamilton. This issue concludes with a review essay.