SHA Conference logoWe are delighted to inform you that we will be attending the SHA 2019 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology in St. Charles, Missouri, January 9th – 12th, 2019. Please stop by Table 16 to browse our latest selection of books at discounted prices and pick up free journal samples.


If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Archaeology titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code SHA19.


We hope to see you in St. Charles!


Below is the list of some of our titles on display:


The Man Who Invented Aztec Crystal Skulls: The Adventures of Eugène BobanTHE MAN WHO INVENTED AZTEC CRYSTAL SKULLS
The Adventures of Eugène Boban
Jane MacLaren Walsh and Brett Topping


“An excellent biography of a little-known but important figure in the nineteenth-century history of American archaeology…”Norman Hammond, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge University

Read Introduction: On the Trail of Crystal Skulls


Archaeogaming: An Introduction to Archaeology in and of Video GamesIn Paperback

An Introduction to Archaeology in and of Video Games
Andrew Reinhard


This book serves as a general introduction to “archaeogaming”; it describes the intersection of archaeology and video games and applies archaeological method and theory into understanding game-spaces as both site and artifact.

Read Introduction


Archaeologies of Rules and Regulation: Between Text and PracticeARCHAEOLOGIES OF RULES AND REGULATION
Between Text and Practice
Edited by Barbara Hausmair, Ben Jervis, Ruth Nugent, and Eleanor Williams


Covering areas as diverse as the use of space in a nineteenth-century U.S. Army camp, the deposition of waste in medieval towns, the experiences of Swedish migrants to North America, the relationship between people and animals in Anglo-Saxon England, these case studies explore the use of archaeological evidence in understanding the relationship between rules, lived experience, and social identity.

Read Introduction: Archaeologies of Rules and Regulation: An Introduction


Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern CaribbeanISLAND HISTORICAL ECOLOGY
Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean
Edited by Peter E. Siegel
Foreword by William Balée


“This highly important and most interesting book represents a valuable source of primary data on the historical ecology of the West Indies.” · Andrzej Antczak, Leiden University



Telling Children About the Past: An Interdisciplinary PerspectiveTELLING CHILDREN ABOUT THE PAST
An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Edited by Nena Galanidou and Liv Helga Dommasnes


This book brings together archeologists, historians, psychologists, and educators from different countries and academic traditions to address the many ways that we tell children about the (distant) past.



World Heritage Craze in China: Universal Discourse, National Culture, and Local MemoryWORLD HERITAGE CRAZE IN CHINA
Universal Discourse, National Culture, and Local Memory
Haiming Yan


This book explores three dimensions of the UNESCO World Heritage initiative with particular relevance for China: the universal agenda, the national practices, and the local responses.

Read Introduction


Changes in the Air: Hurricanes in New Orleans from 1718 to the PresentCHANGES IN THE AIR
Hurricanes in New Orleans from 1718 to the Present
Eleonora Rohland

Volume 15, Environment in History


Changes in the Air offers a rich and thoroughly researched history of how hurricanes have shaped and reshaped New Orleans from the colonial era to the present day, focusing on how its residents have adapted to a uniquely unpredictable and destructive environment across more than three centuries.

Read Introduction: Hurricane Katrina and the Future of the Past


At Home on the Waves: Human Habitation of the Sea from the Mesolithic to TodayForthcoming

Human Habitation of the Sea from the Mesolithic to Today
Edited by Tanya J. King and Gary Robinson
Foreword by Bonnie McCay
Afterword by Tim Ingold

Volume 24, Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology


“A very ambitious project which engages critically with a timely topic… It crucially brings to the fore the voices and ways of life of those often marginalized or otherwise left out.” • Fiona McCormack, University of Waikato


In the Mind's Eye: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Evolution of Human CognitionIN THE MIND’S EYE
Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Evolution of Human Cognition
Edited by April Nowell

Volume 13, International Monographs in Prehistory: Archaeological Series


This volume brings together the disciplines of palaeontology, psychology, anatomy, and primatology. Together, they address a number of issues, including the evolution of sex differences in spatial cognition, the role of archaeology in the cognitive sciences, the relationships between brain size, cranial reorganization and hominid cognition, and the role of language and information processing in human evolution.


For a full list of our Archeology titles please visit our webpage.

Berghahn Journals


Museum Worlds

Museum Worlds

Advances in Research


Editors: Sandra Dudley, University of Leicester
Conal McCarthy, Victoria University of Wellington

Featured Issue: Current Approaches to Museum Archaeology


Visit the Museum Worlds Companion Site



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