Berghahn Books at SfAA 2019 Conference!

logoWe are delighted to inform you that we will be attending the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) annual meeting in Portland, Oregon on March 19-23, 2019. Please stop by our stand to browse our latest selection of books at a special discounted prices and pick up free journal samples.

If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Applied Anthropology titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code SfAA2019. Just a reminder that our journal, Anthropology in Action is OPEN ACCESS through Knowledge Unlatched!

Visit our website­ to browse new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of titles and don’t forget about our expanding list of eBooks available for download directly via our site. Visit our Anthropology eBook site.


Transforming Study Abroad: A HandbookTRANSFORMING STUDY ABROAD
A Handbook
Neriko Musha Doerr


Written for study abroad practitioners, this book approaches key study abroad concepts – such as “culture”, “native speaker”, and “immersion” – from a number of theoretical perspectives, and considers study abroad not as an encounter with cultural others, but as an occasion to analyze constructions of “differences” in daily life.

Read Introduction


Refugee Resettlement: Power, Politics, and Humanitarian GovernanceREFUGEE RESETTLEMENT
Power, Politics, and Humanitarian Governance
Edited by Adèle Garnier, Liliana Lyra Jubilut, and Kristin Bergtora Sandvik

Volume 38, Forced Migration


Examining resettlement practices worldwide and drawing on contributions from anthropology, law, international relations, social work, political science, and numerous other disciplines, this ground-breaking volume highlights the conflicts between refugees’ needs and state practices, and assesses international, regional and national perspectives on resettlement, as well as the bureaucracies and ideologies involved.

Read Introduction: Refugee Resettlement as Humanitarian Governance: Power Dynamics


Cash Transfers in Context: An Anthropological PerspectiveCASH TRANSFERS IN CONTEXT
An Anthropological Perspective
Edited by Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan and Emmanuelle Piccoli


Cash transfer programs have become the preferred channel for delivering emergency aid or tackling poverty in low-and middle-income countries. This book sheds light on their unpredicted consequences worldwide, detailing how they are used by actors to pursue their own strategies and how local populations relate to the external norms they impose.

Read  Introduction


Economy, Crime and Wrong in a Neoliberal EraECONOMY, CRIME AND WRONG IN A NEOLIBERAL ERA
Edited by James G. Carrier

Volume 36, EASA Series


This volume examines the relationship between such wrong-doing and the neoliberal orientations, policies, and practices that have been influential since around 1980, considering whether neoliberalism has affected the likelihood that people and firms will act in ways that many people would consider wrong.

Read Introduction


Reconceiving Muslim Men: Love and Marriage, Family and Care in Precarious TimesRECONCEIVING MUSLIM MEN
Love and Marriage, Family and Care in Precarious Times
Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn and Nefissa Naguib

Volume 38, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives


This volume provides intimate anthropological accounts of Muslim men’s everyday lives in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and diasporic communities in the West.

Read Introduction



Anthropology and Public Service: The UK ExperienceANTHROPOLOGY AND PUBLIC SERVICE
The UK Experience
Edited by Jeremy MacClancy


“A good contribution to mainstream anthropological literature. Anthropology and Public Service will be a valuable and interesting resource for applied and practicing anthropology.” · Riall Nolan, Purdue University

Read Chapter 1. Introduction
: Anthropology and Public Service


Gender, Violence, RefugeesGENDER, VIOLENCE, REFUGEES
Edited by Susanne Buckley-Zistel and Ulrike Krause

Volume 37, Forced Migration


“…an excellent read and contribution to the fields of refugee and gender studies…[that] should be a required reading for graduate students and scholars of (forced) migration and policymakers working with displaced populations.”Gender & Society

Read Introduction


Living Before Dying: Imagining and Remembering HomeHORTLISTED FOR THE 2018 BBC THINKING ALLOWED ETHNOGRAPHY AWARD

Imagining and Remembering Home
Janette Davies

Volume 41, New Directions in Anthropology


“This is a poignant account of a yearlong observational study of a large nursing home… Overall, a practical and empathetic consideration of elder care.”Choice

Read Introduction


Gypsy Economy: Romani Livelihoods and Notions of Worth in the 21st CenturyGYPSY ECONOMY
Romani Livelihoods and Notions of Worth in the 21st Century
Edited by Micol Brazzabeni, Manuela Ivone Cunha, and Martin Fotta

Volume 3, The Human Economy


“I specifically recommend this book to those who are interested in anthropology, ethnography, or in the everyday lives of Roma in general. However, those who are interested in unusual economic processes will find this volume interesting, too.”Cornivus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy

Read Introduction


The Online World of SurrogacyTHE ONLINE WORLD OF SURROGACY
Zsuzsa Berend

Volume 35, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives


“Berend’s insights here both contribute to and are consistent with the newer school of thought in economic sociology that views economic relations as socially embedded… [Her] work fills a crucial oversight in sociological knowledge about surrogacy and the connections between economic and personal relations…” • Contemporary Sociology

Read Introduction


Reflecting on Reflexivity: The Human Condition as an Ontological SurpriseREFLECTING ON REFLEXIVITY
The Human Condition as an Ontological Surprise
Edited by T. M. S. Evens, Don Handelman and Christopher Roberts


Reflexivity is fundamental to human social life. This volume analyzes reflexivity on two analytical planes. On one is the role reflexivity plays in human life and the study of it. The other plane is anthropo-philosophical, which maintains that reflexivity definitively distinguishes the being and becoming of the human.

Read Introduction: Reflexivity and Selfhood


Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations Series

Published by Berghahn Books under the auspices of the Association for Anthropology and Gerontology (AAGE) and the American Anthropological Association Interest Group on Aging and the Life Course.


The Global Age-Friendly Community Movement: A Critical AppraisalVolume 5

A Critical Appraisal
Edited by Philip B. Stafford


This book provides an introduction to the global phenomenon of the age-friendly community movement, through an extensive collection of international case studies by researchers and practitioners. It explores current tensions in the movement and offers a wide-ranging set of recommendations for advancing age-friendly community development.

Read Introduction: Theorizing and Practicing Age-friendly Development


Care across Distance: Ethnographic Explorations of Aging and MigrationVolume 4

Ethnographic Explorations of Aging and Migration
Edited by Azra Hromadžić and Monika Palmberger


This volume investigates how taken-for-granted roles are challenged, intergenerational relationships transformed, economic ties recalibrated, technological innovations utilized, and spiritual relations pursued and desired, and asks what it means to care at a distance and to age abroad.

Read Introduction: Care Across Distance

Higher Education in Critical Perspective: Practices and Policies Series

Together with its sister journal, LATISS, this series provides in-depth analyses of these changes and how those involved – managers, academics and students – are experimenting with critical pedagogies, reflecting upon the best organization of their own institutions, and engaging with public policy debates about higher education in the 21st Century.


The Experience of Neoliberal EducationVolume 4

Edited by Bonnie Urciuoli


The college experience is increasingly positioned to demonstrate its value as a worthwhile return on investment. Specific, definable activities, such as research experience, first-year experience, and experiential learning, are marketed as delivering precise skill sets in the form of an individual educational package.

Read Introduction: Neoliberalizing Undergraduate Experience


Death of the Public University?: Uncertain Futures for Higher Education in the Knowledge EconomyVolume 3, New in Paperback

Uncertain Futures for Higher Education in the Knowledge Economy
Edited by Susan Wright and Cris Shore


“…this book makes a unique and ethnographically-based contribution to the study of universities. Chapters are well written and avoid repetition, despite their overlapping concerns. Finally, as Shore and Wright note in their introduction, the volume focuses on contexts in the Global North, where the ‘neoliberal’ university is seen as most pervasive and enduring. Explorations of public universities elsewhere, which have received virtually no attention to date, may in future build on the work presented here, exposing further radical possibilities.” • Anthropological Forum

Read Introduction: Privatizing the Public University: Key Trends, Countertrends and Alternatives

Berghahn Journals


Anthropology in ActionOPEN ACCESS!

Anthropology in Action
Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice

Editor: Christine McCourt, City, University of London


Current Issue: Vol. 25, Issue 3



Migration and SocietyMigration and Society
Advances in Research

Editors: Mette Louise Berg, University College London
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, University College London
Johanna L. Waters, University College London


Hospitality and Hostility Towards Migrants: Global Perspectives (Vol. 1, Issue 1)



Journal of Legal AnthropologyJournal of Legal Anthropology

Editor: Narmala Halstead, University of Sussex


Current Issue: Vol. 2, Issue 1

Volume 1 is free to access.




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