Berghahn Books at AJS 50th Conference!

downloadWe are delighted to inform you that we will be attending The Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies held December 16th-18th, 2018 in Boston, MA. Please stop by our booth to browse our latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.

If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all Jewish Studies titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code AJS18.

We hope to see you in Boston!

Here is a preview of some of our newest releases on display:


Beyond Inclusion and Exclusion: Jewish Experiences of the First World War in Central EuropeBEYOND INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION
Jewish Experiences of the First World War in Central Europe
Edited by Jason Crouthamel, Michael Geheran, Tim Grady and Julia Barbara Köhne


Scholars from multiple disciplines explore rare sources and employ innovative methods to illuminate four interconnected themes: minorities and the meaning of military service, Jewish-Gentile relations, cultural legacies of the war, and memory politics.

Read Introduction



Children in the Holocaust and its Aftermath: Historical and Psychological Studies of the Kestenberg ArchiveNew in Paperback

Historical and Psychological Studies of the Kestenberg Archive
Edited by Sharon Kangisser Cohen, Eva Fogelman, and Dalia Ofer


“Identifying and evaluating sources is fundamental in the history of child- hood, especially since children so rarely leave their own records. This book is about one such source, remarkable in its conception and with some serious potential for understanding a very challenging subject—the experience of the surviving children of the Holocaust.” The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth

Read Introduction


World War I and the Jews: Conflict and Transformation in Europe, the Middle East, and AmericaNew in Paperback

Conflict and Transformation in Europe, the Middle East, and America
Edited by Marsha L. Rozenblit and Jonathan Karp


This book provides a fascinating survey of the ways in which Jewish communities participated in and were changed by the Great War, focusing on the dramatic circumstances they faced in Europe, North America, and the Middle East during and after the conflict.

Read Introduction: On the Significance of World War I and the Jews


Carnage and Care on the Eastern Front: The War Diaries of Bernhard Bardach, 1914-1918CARNAGE AND CARE ON THE EASTERN FRONT
The War Diaries of Bernhard Bardach, 1914-1918
Bernhard Bardach†
Translated and Edited by Peter C. Appelbaum
Foreword by Jay Winter
Introduction by Helmut Konrad


Ranging from the critical first weeks of fighting to the ultimate collapse of the Austrian army, these meticulously written diaries comprise an invaluable eyewitness account of the Great War.

Read Introduction: Bernhard Bardach: A Biographical Sketch


Rethinking Holocaust Justice: Essays across DisciplinesRETHINKING HOLOCAUST JUSTICE
Essays across Disciplines
Edited by Norman J. W. Goda


This edited collection substantially enlarges the topical and disciplinary scope of this burgeoning field, exploring such varied subjects as literary analysis of Hannah Arendt’s work, the restitution case for Gustav Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze, and the ritualistic aspects of criminal trials.

Read Introduction



Nazism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East: Arab and Turkish ResponsesNAZISM, THE HOLOCAUST, AND THE MIDDLE EAST
Arab and Turkish Responses
Edited by Francis R. Nicosia and Boğaç A. Ergene

Volume 7, Vermont Studies on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust


By focusing on Arab and Turkish reactions to German anti-Semitism and the persecution and mass-murder of European Jews during this period, this expansive collection surveys the institutional and popular reception of Nazism in the Middle East and North Africa. 

Read Introduction: Responses to Nazism and the Holocaust in the Middle East and North Africa


The Germans and the Holocaust: Popular Responses to the Persecution and Murder of the JewsIn Paperback

Popular Responses to the Persecution and Murder of the Jews
Edited by Susanna Schrafstetter and Alan E. Steinweis

Volume 6, Vermont Studies on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust


Ranging from the roots of popular anti-Semitism to the complex motivations of Germans who hid Jews, these studies illuminate some of the most difficult questions in Holocaust historiography, supplemented with an array of fascinating primary source materials.

Read Introduction: The German People and the Holocaust


The Participants: The Men of the Wannsee ConferenceIn Paperback

The Men of the Wannsee Conference
Edited by Hans-Christian Jasch and Christoph Kreutzmüller
Translated from the German by Charlotte Kreutzmüller-Hughes and Jane Paulick


On 20 January 1942, fifteen senior German government officials attended a short meeting in Berlin to discuss the deportation and murder of the Jews of Nazi-occupied Europe. Despite lasting less than two hours, the Wannsee Conference is today understood as a signal episode in the history of the Holocaust, exemplifying the labor division and bureaucratization that made the “Final Solution” possible. Yet while the conference itself has been exhaustively researched, many of its attendees remain relatively obscure. Combining accessible prose with scholarly rigor, The Participants presents fascinating profiles of the all-too-human men who implemented some of the most inhuman acts in history.

Read Introduction: The Participants: The Men of the Wannsee Conference


The Anatomy of Murder: Ethical Transgressions and Anatomical Science during the Third ReichIn Paperback

Ethical Transgressions and Anatomical Science during the Third Reich
Sabine Hildebrandt
Foreword by William E. Seidelman


The Anatomy of Murder itself is comprehensive, fully documented in scores of primary and secondary sources, and carefully places its findings in the context of previous historical research on the history of medicine in Germany before, during and after the Third Reich. There are extensive chapter notes and bibliographies to many archival and published sources.” · German History Review

Read Introduction

War and Genocide Series

“The Berghahn series Studies on War and Genocide has immeasurably enriched the English-language scholarship available to scholars and students of genocide and, in particular, the Holocaust.”  ·  Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions


Probing the Limits of Categorization: The Bystander in Holocaust HistoryVolume 27

The Bystander in Holocaust History
Edited by Christina Morina and Krijn Thijs


Combining historiographical, conceptual, and empirical perspectives on the bystander, the case studies in this book provide powerful insights into the complex social processes that accompany state-sponsored genocidal violence.

Read Introduction: Probing the Limits of Categorization


Microhistories of the HolocaustVolume 24 – New in Paperback

Edited by Claire Zalc and Tal Bruttmann


“This selection of mostly highly stimulating and well-researched case studies not only gives insight into the diversity of what we think of as the Holocaust, but also a sense of how differently we can go about studying this topic and past social life in general. There is much to be gained, therefore, from reading this collection not selectively, according to one’s own research interests, but as a whole. In this sense, this is a very effective publication and a great addition to the literature.” • H-Soz-Kult

Read Introduction: Towards a Microhistory of the Holocaust


The Greater German Reich and the Jews: Nazi Persecution Policies in the Annexed Territories 1935-1945Volume 20 – In Paperback

Nazi Persecution Policies in the Annexed Territories 1935-1945
Edited by Wolf Gruner and Jörg Osterloh


“[This volume] is somewhat more than the usual edited collection of essays. The authors were requested to structure their contributions to a strict pattern, with each chapter organized into three sections: preannexation history; the initial German occupation; and the integration of the territories into the Reich. Each has a useful map…This systematic approach ensures clarity and allows useful comparisons.” · Journal of Modern History

Read Introduction


Making Sense of History Series

Bridging the gap between historical theory and the study of historical memory,this series crosses the boundaries between both academic disciplines and cultural, social, political and historical contexts. In an age of rapid globalization, which tends to manifest itself on an economic and political level, locating the cultural practices involved in generating its underlying historical sense is an increasingly urgent task.


Marking Evil: Holocaust Memory in the Global AgeVolume 21 – New In Paperback

Holocaust Memory in the Global Age
Edited by Amos Goldberg and Haim Hazan


“Goldberg and Hazan must be congratulated on bringing together an important and exciting collection of essays that in their sheer interdisciplinary range are essential reading for scholars across the arts and humanities.” · Holocaust Studies

Read Preface


Jewish Histories of the Holocaust: New Transnational ApproachesVolume 19 – In Paperback

New Transnational Approaches
Edited by Norman J. W. Goda


“In the new history, research has been redirected from the perpetrator to the victims, and the goal is to find the authentic Jewish voice. As a consequence, personal diaries, note books, and memoirs have gained a status that traditional historians have not previously imparted to them. Good index and select bibliography. Highly Recommended. · Choice

Read Introduction


Vanished History: The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical CultureVolume 18 – In Paperback

The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical Culture
Tomas Sniegon


“Overall, this is an informative book [that]… may be especially useful for readers interested in the ongoing development of historical narratives in Europe generally, and in the Czech and Slovak Republics in particular.” · Holocaust and Genocide

Read Introduction: Czechoslovak history’s velvet awakening


Berghahn Journals


European JudaismEuropean Judaism
A Journal for the New Europe


Published in association with the Leo Baeck College and the Michael Goulston Education Foundation 


The journal offers stimulating debates exploring the responses of Judaism to contemporary political, social, and philosophical challenges; articles reflecting the full range of contemporary Jewish life in Europe, and including documentation of the latest developments in Jewish-Muslim dialogue; new insights derived from science, psychotherapy, and theology as they impact upon Jewish life and thought; literary exchange as a unique exploration of ideas from leading Jewish writers, poets, scholars, and intellectuals with a variety of documentation, poetry, and book reviews section; and book reviews covering a wide range of international publications.


Israel Studies ReviewIsrael Studies Review


Published on behalf of the Association for Israel Studies

AIS Membership includes subscription to this journal.

AIS Members: Access the journal online here.


Israel Studies Review (ISR) is the journal of the Association for Israel Studies, an international and interdisciplinary scholarly organization dedicated to the study of all aspects of Israeli society, history, politics, and culture.


German Politics and SocietyGerman Politics and Society


A joint publication of the BMW Center for German and European Studies (of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University) and theGerman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). These centers are represented by their directors on the journal’s Editorial Committee.


German Politics and Society is a peer-reviewed journal published and distributed by Berghahn Journals. It is the only American publication that explores issues in modern Germany from the combined perspectives of the social sciences, history, and cultural studies.



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